His ignorance and care

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I got out of his cabin and make my way towards Aana. She grinned happily after seeing me. "So how was it??", She asked cheerfully.

I pouted sadly and replied "honestly he was shocked to see me and when I thought he would come and hug me, he just said to get back to work, so ya that was it".

"Don't worry YNa, he would come along", she said encouragingly. I nodded and with this we get back to our work.


Days turned into a whole damn week, but this Jimin not even dared to look at me, like am I an ugly Witch who would do some magic if he would look at me. I have tried plenty of times to talk to him, even sent him long letters, texts, his favorite coffee, I took every goddamn chance to be close to him. But that self obsessed person is busy ignoring me like I am plagued. It hurts DAMMIT. I don't even know for what I am getting this punishment for. I have already told him many times till now, that he misunderstood the whole situation and that I have never cheated on him. He never said anything other then ordering me to get out or get back to work.

Today is Friday and since from tomorrow, weekend is starting, I am still here at 11 in night working my ass out. Because I have to present this presentation on Monday. Also I have to plan this weekend how to approach that idiot.

I was hastily typing on my laptop, that I didn't heard him calling my name.


I looked up to see him infront of my desk, looking devilishly handsome with his hands in his pockets. Oh God, why he has to be so good looking even at this time. He is still looking so fresh and I am sure that I must be looking a stinking monkey.

"If you are done checking me out, then care to explain why are you still here at this hour of time??", He asked me and I swear I saw him smirk at me. How dare he?? After one week of ignoring me like I am nothing, he dare to question me why I am still here.

I narrowed my eyes at him and replied back "I am planning to steal these tables and chairs after I thought everyone would have left".

He shook his head and said "seriously, that's the worst reply, I have ever heard Miss. Lee".

I groaned and screamed at him "THEN JUST GET LOST JIMIN, I HAVE WORK TO DO".

He is literally getting on my nerves. First he ignored me and now he is showing me his so called concern. Already I am frustrated with this presentation and then handling his mood swings is cherry on the top. I just wanna go to my hotel room and sleep like a log.

He again shook his head and said or more like ordered me "pack your stuffs, I will drop you back to your hotel".

I looked at him like he is crazy. "I said na I am busy", saying this I get back to my work. But before my fingers could touch the keypad, my laptop started flying in the air. What the heck?? I looked up to see him actually smirking at me in victory. How dare he??

"Give me back my laptop", I said irritatedly.


"Ahhh JIMIN, give me back", saying this I literally jumped on him. I was about to fall but he was quick enough to hold me with his one arm and with other he was still holding my laptop. I looked at him with tears in my eyes and his eyes widened. He looked at me in panic.

"YNa, did you get hurt?? Did I hurt you?? Why are you crying?? Tell me", He asked in concern. I pushed him and wiped my tears. I am not able to control these burning emotions

"I am alright, you don't need to worry about me. And give me my laptop back. I have to complete the presentation".

"YN, you have two whole days to finish the presentation, why are you overloading your work", he asked gently this time.

"Well, I thought to spend this weekend with my boyfriend, who clearly doesn't want me to and was busy ignoring me but still I thought maybe he would atleast listen to me, but nevermind. Though you are right I have time, so I should focus on myself and my work rather than wasting it on someone who clearly doesn't want me in his life anymore", I said and quickly packed my stuff. I need to get out of here.


Her every word pierced my heart. I know I am hurting her more than she ever hurt me. But how can I tell her that I am afraid of another heartbreak. I will not be able to handle it. Nor I can see her like this, exhausted, hurt, disturbed, all because of me. See, without any intention, I had hurt her this much, what would happen if we get back together. No, I can't let that happen. We can't be together again.

I looked at her, and gently grabbed her wrist. "Let me drop you YN", I said softly. She looked at me with soft eyes and silently nodded her head.

We get out of the building, and I helped her sit in the passenger seat. After I get inside the driver seat, I looked at her and she was already looking at me with hopeful eyes. I quickly removed my eyes from her and ask her where she is staying. She told me the address, and guess what, it is the same hotel where I am staying, though I didn't tell her this. It's a wonder how we haven't seen each other there before. But nevertheless, it's a good thing that atleast she is close to me, and she still doesn't know about it.

I drive for 20 minutes in an awkward silence. I want to listen to her talking and I know she has alot to talk to me. But she kept quiet. We reached the place, and I can see she doesn't want to leave just yet. But nevertheless, she opened her seatbelt and took her bag.

"Thanks for the ride", she said without looking at me.

She opened the door and without waiting for my reply, get inside the hotel. While I kept staring at the entrance like she would come back at any minute soon. I exhaled loudly. Long way to go Jimin. Long way.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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