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New day, new morning and maybe last or second last day here. I remember how my first day was. I entered Seoul with him but I am leaving Seoul without him. This is so heartbreaking, right? But I still remember how we spent our first day with.


Y/N: yah Kim Taehyung, what are you doing??

I was Unpacking my stuffs but just then he barged into my room and started rolling on my bed.

Tae: are you asking me?

Y/N: so is there anyone else too with that name??

Tae: oh well there isn't.

Y/N: ugh, why did you came here? Go to your room..

When we shifted here, we lived together but then his parents took another house as we both grew up but still we were very close to each other.

Tae: but my room still needs to set up. And I saw your room already set up so I thought to come here.

He started looking around.

Y/N: are you done examining my room?

Tae: not yet. Oh wait what is this?

He took my bunny. Oh noooo 😱😱

Y/N: yah noo, that's mine

Tae: when did I said that it's mine?

Y/N: just shut up, give it back to me

Tae: first let me see it

Y/N: no give it back

He was running everywhere while I was chasing him. Trying my best to take my bunny from him.

Y/N: noo give it to me

Tae: no ima not gonna give you

Y/N: yah Tae give it back to me

Soo Ah: yah kids, stop your bickering

Y/N: unnie, he took my bunny

Tae: but I am examining it

Y/N: no you took it just to tease me

Tae: oh wow, you know me so well

Y/N: obviously

He again started running.

Y/N: yah Kim Taehyung stopppp

I ran behind him.

Soo Ah: yah these kids.

Y/N: yah stop Tae, now I am tired

Tae: I have asked you millions of times to do exercise but you never listens to me.

Y/N: stop saying that

I got in tears

Tae: hey I didn't asked you to cry

He came towards me and wiped my tears off. I looked at him.

Tae: here

He gave my bunny back to me. I was about to take it but then again he took his hand back and obviously, he is so tall that I couldn't reach his hand.

Y/N: give it back

Tae: I don't understand, why have you kept such old bunny??

Y/N: because it was sewed by my grandma

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