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Hank had started to pace, rubbing the spot between his eyes as he waited for his call to be answered. Years ago, the idea of having Elijah Kamski in his Contacts list was laughable. Now it turned out to be necessary.

You hadn't been deviant for long, and of course did not know how to relax. Sitting stiffly on the lieutenant's sofa, you ended up staring at the floor, not reacting when Connor sat beside you.

At least, not at first. As he opened his mouth to speak, you interrupted: "Please leave me alone."

The RK800 looked away, frowning deep, before standing back up. A little convincing later, a large St. Bernard canine slowly approached you instead.

Expecting the same sort of reaction, the male prototype had to admit surprise when Sumo leaned in to lay his head in your lap, letting out a deep whine. He was immediately petted, bringing you out of your stupor enough to manage a tiny smile. Like the good boy he was, the dog sat down, tail thumping on the carpeted floor as you gave him attention.

[His name is Sumo]

The RK800 stood off to the side, watching you interact with the oversized pup. As soon as Sumo climbed up onto the couch and laid his head in your lap, Connor's smile widened. "You have been chosen. At least that's what Hank says."

You focused on the dog, but the detective's words played over and over several times against your will. Hands slowing down, still buried in Sumo's fur, your eyes closed. "You provided me with a very detailed description of the human I was to assist. I have an expansive array of countermeasures for any situation he may have put me in." An unfamiliar sensation began to swell, and your indicator stayed red as you pressed your mouth together.


Sitting beside you again, on the other side, Connor took in your strained demeanor. You looked like you were about to burst.

[Nove, if you are attempting to self-destruct--]

You weren't. You couldn't, for that matter. But the strain was so powerful you'd begun to shake. A hand on the RK800's shoulder grabbed his attention, his head whipping around to find Hank with one of the sofa pillows in his grasp. "Girl needs to scream, son," he mumbled. Sure enough, the pillow was given to you, and you buried your face into it, pushing it to muffle the awful wailing sound from your voice module.

It was all Connor could do not to return to Gavin's house and throttle the sack of shit. But interrupting you seemed like an equally bad decision. He resorted to looking away, with some long moments taken to let the sight of your agony soak in. Dark eyes found his partner, a shot of pain in his fuel pump regulator making him wince.

"Welcome to parenthood. It's a lot of standing on the sidelines, not able to do anything to help your kid. Usually cause they don't want it, or cause you literally can't help." Clapping the kid on the shoulder, the lieutenant added, "Just be quiet, son. Sit with her. If she needs something, she'll come to you. I know you didn't think she'd contact you if there was trouble, but there was, and she did."

Nodding, Connor still spoke up. "Have you gotten hold of Kamski...?"

With a long look at you, no longer screaming into the pillow but letting another wave of tears run silently, Hank nodded. "Yeah. He's on his way."


"I can't say I'm surprised." Elijah spoke quietly, glancing over at you in the passenger seat. By that point you were simply going where others wanted you to go. You'd lost your purpose, no matter what Connor told you. Your lack of reaction made Eli frown a touch. "...... you did notice the emergency exit, didn't you?"

Useless (Gavin Reed x [Android] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now