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"... seriously. Where on Earth are you taking this prototype that made you request clothing that moved nicely?"

With Chloé having shut herself into the spare bedroom with you, Gavin stood by his record player, glued to his phone for the time being while he organized his playlists. "Gee, I wonder why I would specifically ask for something she could wear that flowed?" Eyebrows at different levels, he gave his brother a pointed look. "Just cause I'm a detective doesn't mean I stopped, Eli."

Kamski shook his head, arms folded. "Good for you, but the places around Detroit--"

"--aren't where I'm taking her. There aren't any decent fucking dance clubs here, man. Not when I actually wanna teach her real moves. Club music is shit."

"Cheers to that." They spoke incredibly quietly, just to be safe. "... how are things with Nove, now that you pulled your head out of your ass?"

"Keep talking and my foot's going in yours." Typical brotherly love. "I've been teaching her how to relax. Less stiff android presence. Took Connor at least a year before he stopped looking like the goddamn Tin Man."

"And how is that progressing? Any improvement?"

Reed paused, lifting his gaze with a soft smile. "She's doing it on her own. Did it last night, I... I damn near cried," he added, chuckled. "This one is gonna be the next step. Huge one. Sitting or lying down and looking relaxed is one thing, but..."

"Don't second-guess it. It's a cute idea." Elijah hesitated. "... I swear to God, if Chloé asks to go dancing, I'm in deep shit."

Snorting, the detective shook his head, going back to his phone. "When she does, we'll make it a double thing. I'll teach her, Nove can teach your clumsy ass."

"I don't need to move gracefully to create an empire, Gav. You can go ahead and dance your ass around the crime scenes; I'll be the real man and lead a corporation."

That did earn Eli a punch in the arm. "Fuck you and your fragile masculinity. I can dance, and I do it damn good. I enjoy it, even now. I'm not afraid of taking my girlfriend out dancing. You're the one literally dreading it."

All of Gavin's bravado fell flat with one word from his brother: "Girlfriend?"

Going a brilliantly dark shade, the shorter male made a beeline for his bedroom, snatching whatever he planned to wear, then going into the bathroom. The shower started fifteen seconds later. Three seconds further, there was a long, pained wail as Reed let out his embarrassment vocally.

Shaking his head, Eli took a long look at Gavin's living room before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a flash drive. Installed on it was a simple sequence to break a particular algorithm down, remove the problematic part, then piece the rest together.

After all, androids could not listen to music properly otherwise.

Meandering his way down the hall, Kamski knocked softly at the spare room door. It opened soon thereafter, Chloé peering out. "Yes?"

"He's getting ready now. She good to go?" He lifted the flash drive. "Need to fix her algorithm."

His beloved android paused, LED yellow for a bit before the door was opened wider. You were sitting on the edge of the bed but stood up as Elijah walked in, the door closing behind him.

But despite being exceedingly happy with Chloé, he stopped dead in his tracks as you got up. Where the blonde had gotten the dress he didn't know; not that it mattered. Reed wanted something for you to wear that would move nicely, and the peacock-green dress would do just that. It looked like it had been taken directly from a 1950s catalogue: it fell below your knees, loose but not shapeless. It sat off your shoulders, as well, which was better for the warm summer nights.

"...... well, uh.... Chloé, you've outdone yourself. Nove, you look stunning." He cleared his throat, raising the drive again and counting the seconds before he'd be hit. "If you don't mind, I'd like to adjust one of your algorithms."

"Which one, sir?" Hands behind your back, your head tilted. Just behind you, his android was playfully glaring at him.

"Androids are not capable of hearing music properly. Two years ago, that complication was taken and broken down; I've put that command on the drive for you to install. Gavin is very passionate about music, and this will benefit both of you." Eli smiled, approaching when you turned your back to let him plug the flash drive into the back of your neck.

It didn't feel like much of anything. But when the process was complete, the drive was removed, and Chloé followed the tall male as they made to leave the room. "Um..." Kamski added, pausing, "...... wait in here. We'll let you know when he's ready."

As soon as the door closed again, Elijah just stood and accepted Chloé's punches.


[Gavin is finished, Miss Nove; have a lovely night]

The message was sent just as Chloé was leaving, taking Eli out by the ear just because she could.

Needless to say, Reed was confused.

Before you emerged, he returned to his bedroom, calling out, "One sec, cara mia!" There was a good deal of shuffling, a few curse words, then a tremendously hard thumping sound followed by a sharp "MOTHERFUCKER!!"

You promptly left the room and knocked at his door, LED blinking yellow. "Sir, are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fuckin' peachy..." he called back, groaning. "Just, uh... dropped my shirt."

"... that sounded much too heavy to be your shirt."

"I'm still in it." The droll response struck you just so, and you ended up giggling, trying to cover your mouth but the effort doing nothing.

Hearing you laugh at last got Gavin to his feet, whipping the bedroom door open and freezing in place.


Your laughter died down quickly, taking in your prior directive's date attire. Warmth filled your face, but your expression didn't quite match.

Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Ohhhhh fucking fuck.

Always his biggest problem, his mouth opened on its own. "Oh my god, you're perfect." You didn't respond verbally; instead, your hands reached for his collar, lifting it and undoing his tie. "--Cara mia, what...?!" The tie was removed, his collar fixed, then the top two shirt buttons undone. "....... uhhhhh....."

"It is going to be a warm night, and you dislike the heat. Being so buttoned up will make you feel worse.," you explained gently, the violet color still staining your cheeks in a faint shade.

"Well... I mean, yeah, but... This is your first date, cara mia. I wanted to do shit properly."

"You didn't look like you. Now you do." Your hands reached and fiddled with his collar a bit more, smiling just faintly. "Red is a lovely color on you."

Down went his eyebrows in bafflement. "Uh... I'm wearing black."

"Your attire for tonight is black, yes." Hands cupped his cheeks, noting that he hadn't shaved like he probably wanted. "But your face goes red rather frequently. Like when I say something along the lines of: I am glad to be deviant. Because now I am able to feel your hands on me."

Well, red was a common color on him, anyway.

Useless (Gavin Reed x [Android] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now