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   Everything hurt. My head ached and my body felt like I had just been run over by a semi truck a thousand times. I'm not even sure what happened or where I was, except that I was laying on a really cold and uncomfortable surface. I couldn't even open my eyes and I knew it would hurt to do so. My arms and legs were sprawled out in different directions and bent every which way. I tried to move my fingertips, feeling around the surface that I was on to try and remember something. I brushed the hard floor. All I felt was what seemed to be concrete and a layer of dust and dirt.


   It almost sounded like someone was calling my name, I really must be going insane or something. Or maybe I'm dead right now. It's weird because the voice almost sounded like Ro-

   It was Roxy. Roxy was alive and I was alive. All the memories came flooding back to me. The monster, Gregory, the elevator, and the fall. I was still here, still stuck down here. But I wasn't alone.

   I forced myself to get up. I forced my leg to bend holding in tears from the pain. I pulled my arms closer to me and sat back onto my knees. I opened my eyes. Around me was nothing. Just a dark empty space, the only objects I could make out were broken parts that were probably from the elevator and debris scattered everywhere. My legs shook as I tried to stand up to get a better look. I was covered in bruises and bleeding in so many places. My hair had dirt and even little metal pieces throughout it. It was so dark that I couldn't see very far in front of me. When I stood up my vision blurred, then slowly focused in again on my surroundings. I turned around and could barely make out a large object towering over me from a far corner.


   "Cassie. Your awake!"

   I gasped realizing it was Roxy. Even though it physically hurt me to move my body I sprinted over to her direction and hugged her regardless of her broken state.

   "Roxy I'm so sorry. I'd never deactivate you. He made me. Gregory made me.."

   "It's okay Cassie I know you did it for him. We're going to get out of here and everything will be okay I promise."

   How could we get out of here? It's like the elevator had crashed through the bottom of the sinkhole and dug us even further down. But Roxy had found me somehow, there must've been away.

   "It's a good thing you kept that walkie-talkie on you Cassie, I was able to track your signal after that big fall you had."

   "How could he do that to me?"

   "I'm so sorry, I'd never expect for him to betray you like that."

   Gregory dropped me in an elevator. Everything we had- everything I felt for him was gone and replaced with pure rage. I clenched my fists remembering his words. We can't risk being followed. That bitch.

   "Cassie? Cassie! We have to move, I'm recovering a signal from above us in the Pizzaplex, and it sounds like Freddy."

   "Freddy? But that's impossible..his head was ripped off and he was coming after me just like everything else!"

   "That wasn't Freddy. That was a prototype. I can locate the signals from Freddy, the real Freddy, he's talking to someone who sounds like Gregory.."

   "What are they saying?!"

   Roxy went silent for a moment as she tried to listen in to their conversation. Don't ask me how she can hear them because I have no idea. The animatronics were built with some high tech stuff that's for sure.


   "What! What is it?!!"

   "They're coming back here. To find you."

    No. No no no. The last thing I want to do is see him. And why would they do that? He tried to kill me didn't he?

   "Freddy must've located my signal and alerted Gregory about our status. They're going to be looking for you Cassie, we need to leave now."

   I looked around in the dark, there was the smallest beam of light shining through a tiny opening in the ceiling. Roxy followed my eyes and saw it too, it must've been the way she had gotten down here to find me. That was our way out. Slowly I walked over until I could look up through the hole. It led to the other parts of the sinkhole where I had been before. I kind of knew my way around there after everything I've been through and I'm sure Roxy did as well, so without looking back we began climbing up.

   The top of the hole we had come out of had led to the cave with the water falls and weird glow in the dark mushrooms. Roxy and I backtracked our steps from before my fall, heading through more narrow tunnels and caves and finally reaching the first elevator I took to get down here. We got in and hit the button. The elevator-which I'm actually surprised worked- took us all the way up to the basement of the raceway where I had first gone down the utility stairs.

   We climbed to the top of the staircase and opened the maintenance door that led to the back of Roxy Raceway. We were back. I'm honestly still shocked that I'm here and alive. Maybe I'm even more shocked of what Gregory did to me though. I will never forgive him.

   Roxy gave me a reassuring look as we walked through her raceway once again. I'm so glad she's okay.

   "So how are we getting out of here?"

   I looked at Roxy who seemed to be leading the way. We walked back up the escalator even through everything was ruined. It was hard to get around all the broke pieces of the Pizzaplex but Roxy would not slow down. It's like she was on a mission or something. Fine by me, I wanted out of here.

   "We can go out the main exit of the raceway. It's going to be hard to navigate around all the debris but I can break through most of it with my claws."

    The main entrance of the raceway was in ruins. We had to duck under every wall and metal pipelines just to get a few feet.

   "Roxy, do you really think we can escape all this?"


   "Well what if Gregory and Freddy come back before we make it. I mean I know the Pizzaplex is huge and everything so it would be hard to find us, but Freddy can track your signal.."

   "Oh but Cassie that's what we want!"

   "Um what?"

   "We want them to find us. We want revenge."

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