A Cry From the Flames

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I knew Gregory was in the Pizzaplex before me for who knows how long. I know he knows his way around, maybe even better than I do if I'm being honest. I know he has a terrifying animatronic bear on his side that he's upgraded countless times. And I also know that those upgraded were stolen from other animatronics, like Roxy.

   "Roxy, are you..in pain?"

   Roxy looked at me with a confusing look on her face, as if she didn't understand my question.

   "In pain?"

   She still looked questioning. We slowed to a stop right outside of the raceway's entrance.

   "Yeah I mean like..look at everything you've been through. No offense but you're all broken, doesn't it hurt you?"

   Roxy stiffened and straightened up. Her eyes seemed focused now on the pathway before us.


   Maybe she didn't like that question.

   We walked past the staircase leading to Fazerblast right outside of Roxy's Raceway. It was so dark I couldn't even see down, not that there was anything to see anyways. My eyes tried to focus on something-anything I could see down there, being curious is such a curse, but sometimes it's a blessing. A tiny patch of light was shining on the metal door to Fazerblast, a beacon of light that suddenly appeared that is. I heard a small sound too, hard to make out but it almost sounded like a small cry. Roxy seemed to hear it too, her ears perked up in the direction in came from but kept on trucking foreword. Probably just a floor sign bot, those poor things.

   I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped right into Roxy.

   "Why did you stop-"

   We could see the entire atrium form the second floor railing. Unlike the other attractions I've made my way through, the atrium still felt somewhat alive and its colorful lights filled the building. The only difference was the animatronic holograms weren't on the main stage, but they probably turn those off after the day is over anyways. Also after this place burnt down did I really think they'd still be here. C'mon Cassie be realistic.

   The party chairs were knocked over everywhere, and some photo booths and other accessories were missing, but other than that everything looked pretty much the same. The fire must not have reached over here, too big of an area I guess.

   The neon lights were flickering but it was dead silent. I looked over at Roxy who was also looking around. She looked, sad. Maybe she was hurting.

   I heard the noise again. The tiny cry. Something was going on. It sounded kind of familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. The sound echoed throughout the atrium seeming to be coming from across from Roxy and I. The only thing across from us though was Monty Golf and Chica's Bakery area. I looked up at Roxy as she was staring in the same direction the sound came from. We both knew we had to find out what it was. Before Freddy and Gregory did at least.

   "Do you think someone else is stuck here? Maybe after the fire or something?"

   "No. I know that cry."

   Roxy said nothing more and seemed hyper-focused on where the cry was coming from. What was that supposed to mean? Maybe it was one of the floor sign bots but honestly now that I'm hearing it again.. it really didn't sound too much like one. After a deep inhale Roxy pushed herself from off of the railing and headed towards the escalator with me trailing behind her. I could tell she didn't want to talk about whatever it was, not until she was sure at least. I guess I'll find out soon enough. Great. Back towards Monty Golf. We all already know how I feel about Monty Golf.

   We went down the escalator together in silence. It was scary knowing Gregory and Freddy were on their way with every step we take, but finding this noise was clearly more important right now. Roxy made me feel safe, she was like a big bodyguard. If she were a cartoon character, she'd be like Johnny's dad who broke out of jail from Sing.

   We crossed the bottom floor of the atrium. The only sound heard was Roxy's metal footsteps against the flooring. I turned towards the empty stage remembering how I would watch every show on my birthday each year. It made my heart ache.

   We made it over into the Monty Golf entrance. No way was I going back in there.

   "Shh. Do you hear that?"

   Roxy's ears perked back up and she looked around frantically. Personally I didn't hear anything, but I'm also not an animatronic. Did I just want to leave and get out of here? Yes. Yes I did. But I wasn't about to do that without Roxy. First of all I'm scared, duh, second of all how could I leave her after everything? I can't make that same mistake again. Roxy began climbing the small stair case that led towards Chica's Bakery. I could hear the cry now, it went off and on but it was definitely getting louder. We went down the long hallway towards the bakery. I never did understand why they hid the bakery back here, horrible marketing plan.

   The front entrance of the bakery was just as dark as the rest of the Pizzaplex and the cupcake sign was glitching and falling halfway off of the building. The cry was coming from the back corner near the seating area. Roxy and I looked at each other ready for whatever it was that we found. I nodded and we continued forward, slowly in the direction of the sound. There was a Photo Booth behind the tables and chairs.

   "That's where the cry is coming from Roxy. You go first. I'm not dying again today."

    Roxy crept forward towards the phot booth. The cry was so distinct now. She pulled back the curtains as quietly as possible and peered inside.

   I gasped and Roxy quickly jolted her hand away allowing the curtain to fall back in front. I stumbled backwards but Roxy tore the curtain open once again exposing the root of the sound.

   I covered my mouth unable to believe what I was seeing.

   "I didn't know animatronics could cry"

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