19 - Big Girls Don't Cry

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February 13, 1477

Monteriggioni, Italy

Catherine had meant to see to Claudia sooner. Really, she had. She had meant to take her out the day after she'd "confronted" them in the ring, but had been waylaid by training and the woman being not exactly approachable. She was huffy to say the least, and seemed to prefer staying in her room more than going out to do anything despite what she'd said. Catherine wasn't really sure what to make of it beyond that Claudia was just lost and didn't know what she was doing, so she lashed out. It was one of the few things she knew how to do for handling stress, so there it was. Unfortunately, that made it hard to approach and talk to her; to coax into coming out. Ezio had told her to just wait until his sister had calmed down, so that's just what the redhead did for the next two days. Now she figured it was time to try.

"You sure she won't bite my head off?" Catherine inquired softly in the upper hallway, glancing over at where Claudia's door was.

Ezio chuckled, "Yes, I am sure. She was a little upset this morning, but she will enjoy a walk around the city. It helped me, after all."

"Yeeah, but she's not exactly you," the redhead grinned slightly. The young man just grinned back and she chuckled, too. "Right, well, I asked Mario for the day off so I could do this, so you better not laze around without me to kick your ass."

"Please-at most we're even."

She raised a brow and jabbed his stomach, causing him to yelp, "I don't think that bruise I gave you is calling it even. Now, get going. And remember-."

"-don't cause trouble. I know," Ezio laughed lightly, and then trotted off. Catherine watched him go with a grin, but it faded as she turned and made her way towards his sister's room. It was about eight in the morning, so the young woman was most likely up. She had always gotten up somewhat early at the Palazzo, and sleeping had been difficult for her according to her brother. Still, the redhead rapped lightly on the young woman's door just in case, but then Ezio was proven right when it opened to reveal the huffing face of one Claudia Auditore. It lessened, though, as she realized who it was, and instead frowned with puzzlement.

"Catherine? What are you doing here?"

"I've come to get you-we're going on a tour of the city. Mario gave me the day off, so let's get to it. You have a good walking dress and shoes, right?" she grinned, and laughed lightly at Claudia's look of just total confusion, mouth agape.

"I-what? A walk? Catherine, please," she scoffed, waving her hands, but Catherine just rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Claudia, please," she shot right back playfully. "All you do is stay in the Villa except that one time two days ago. You said you wanted to do something, right? Well, come with me and find something to do. It's not a big city, so it won't take a long time and you'll be able to check everything out. You just might find something you want to do. And if not... well, it's good for your health, so come on."

"Catherine, I do not want to," the young woman insisted.

"Claudia, come on. Just this once. I can show you the horses and there's a small family that makes some reeeeally good sweet rolls. Ezio told me you like those."

She flushed, "Ezio did what-oooh! That idiot! Ugh! Fine! Just stop bothering me! I will go on your stupid walk!"

"Good! Change if you want, otherwise let's get going! Oh, bring a coat if you get cold easy. It's cloudy today, so it might not get as warm as it could."

Claudia glared at her briefly, although there was no real animosity in it. Rather, she was being her usual self, but she dropped it as she turned into her room, got a shawl, of sorts, which she pulled over her shoulders, and closed her door behind her. She looked to Catherine expectantly, even lifting her head a bit. The redhead couldn't help chuckling. She had a feeling some of her haughtiness was a ruse, but the fact she had the strength to even muster it was incredible enough-especially when she was taking care of their mother for the most part. It had to be killing her see her mother like that.

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