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So I never actually posted to this that I made a sequel like the idiot I was. It's been YEARS lol or a year I don't remember but long enough I feel really dumb.


For at least new readers lol:

Now that you've completed Chronos, you can see what happened between AC II and the beginning of Revelations, following Catherine and Ezio's tale during the Brotherhood game.

It is quite a bit darker than Chronos which some more mature themes so please be advised. :) It's a very difficult part of their relationship, and it takes a lot for them to make it through.

So if you're up for another, albeit shorter, wild ride, here's the link to the sequel (or click on my profile! :))

Assassin's Creed: Chronos - Retribution

Assassin's Creed: Chronos (Ezio x OC)Where stories live. Discover now