34 - Heads Will Roll

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April 25, 1478

Florence, Italy


The redhead shot up when she felt the hand on her shoulder, shaking her some. She blinked slowly, rubbing at her face, and feeling the weight in her bones. She groaned softly, trying to remember where she was. There was a familiar chuckle and she looked up to find Ezio standing beside her while she was semi-slouched over on Leonardo's table with all her drawings. She looked to his clock, which read almost two in the morning, and then looked to the dim, flickering flame of the fireplace, which sorely needed more wood. She turned her gaze up to the young man then, noticing he seemed tired, too-or at least the droop in his features said so.

She rubbed her eyes some more, "Sorry-I didn't hear you come in. I was uh..."

"Tired?" he finished, grinning, and she nodded.

"Yeah. Sorry... so um... you found La Volpe?"

He nodded, "Yes. I told him of our plan. He says he will keep an eye out for things, although his men are not exactly soldiers like the mercenaries. Still, they will try to find us the best paths and give warning when the enemy is close. They will also help distract guards if they can or when we call on them, but if they feel there is too much danger, they will flee."

"No, yeah, that's fine. As long as we have that extra help. Paola we'd have to use for after-after when things had died down, so hopefully that one girl got to her already. So that means..." Catherine rumbled, though paused as she frowned, thinking. "I... I think we got everyone. Yeah. I got the mercenaries ready and waiting, you got the Thieves, and we got a message to Paola. I think we're all set here now, yeah?"

"I... think so. There's not much else besides getting there," Ezio hummed replied. "It will start in a few hours-we should get rest... or, well, you should get more. I didn't want to wake you, but..."

"No, no, no-it was good to tell me. I needed to know for tomorrow. Anyways, yeah, need to sleep. 'Specially you," she mumbled, rubbing her face when her headed nodded briefly. She stood up to clear more of the wariness, but staggered a little. Ezio chuckled yet again as he gave her his arm to brace on. He tilted his head slightly, smiling with amusement.

"Here, let me carry you."

She made a sloppy attempt of a huff, though didn't move, "I can make it... maybe..."

"Free of charge?" he offered, causing her to pause and bite her lip. She knew she probably could make it, albeit stumbling along, but at the same time, it was oh so tempting.


His brows scrunched, "What?"

"Carry me piggyback. Turn around, I'll wrap around you from behind-you did it for Petruccio before," she mused, and he laughed lightly as he agreed to it. He called her a silly woman, too, but she let that slide as he did as she bid, turning around so his back was to her. He crouched low so she could set her legs and arms in place, wrapping around when he stood and hooked his arms under her thighs. She set her head on his back some, closing her heavy eyelids.

"Room's... down hall... on the right."

"Yes, my Lady," he snickered playfully, though waited a moment to blow out candles as he went, but left the fireplace alone. It would burn itself out soon enough, and was too low to be a danger. He made for the hallway then, and it was while he walked that a notion came to Catherine.

"...Paola's is too far away," she mumbled, and he made an "hmm", head tilting back towards her slightly. She lifted her head slightly so he could hear better, "Paola's is pretty far from the Duomo."

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