4. Carlos' Past (au)

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authors note at the end!!

Carlos came out as gay to his parents at 17. His parents didn't quite fully accept him for being gay, he tried making himself feel "normal" everytime he was around his parents, but it didn't help. He then later broke his ankle and was prescriped opioids for painkillers, his ankle healed in a couple of months so he didn't need them anymore, but he got addicted to them. He became an addict. Everytime he felt grey or numb he always went out to score so he could feel better. There was one point he took to much to the point where he overdosed. He realized as soon as he tried moving but everything felt like a blur, he ended up calling 911 and told them the address he was at and ended up passing out and overdosing on the pills. The paramedics and firefighters arrived just in time and saved him, they had to use the battering ram to get in, but they saved him. He suddenly woke up and threw up what he took and hugged the paramedic that was in front of him and started crying. The paramedic hugged him back and told him that it was gonna be okay.

i was half asleep when i made this one so dont come at me for anything 😭.
another note: this was all supposed to take place when he was 17, there is no time skip or whatever!!

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