2. "clearing up emotions"

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Carlos lost a lot of his friends when he came out as gay in his junior year, but his best friend stuck by his side all of junior and senior year. Eventually, he started to gain a crush on his best friend, but didn't want to say anything because he didn't wanna lose his best friend. *10 years later..* "Hi baby!" Tk said as Carlos walked into their loft. Carlos sat his stuff down by the door and walked over to wear Tk was sitting on the couch. "You have an invitation for a party or something, its somebody from when you were in high school" Tk said as Carlos was running his hands through Tk's hair. "Oh. I uhm, let me see the invitation." Carlos read the invitation and couldn't help but smile and laugh a little bit. Tk was confused and asked what it was about and Carlos said "Nothing, but I do wanna go to this party" Carlos said still smiling and laughing a little bit. *a week later..* Carlos pulls up to his old bestfriends house with Tk. They walk into the party and Carlos spots his old best friend, and leaves Tk. Tk has been sitting alone for hours, and finally has had enough and walks up to Carlos and says "Carlos, I'm just gonna call an uber. I'll see you at home." "Tk wait.." Tk doesn't stop, and waits for his uber. It's been another 3 hours since Tk left, and Carlos hasn't arrived home yet, so he just goes to bed alone. Tk hears a door opening, he checks his phone and looks at the time *3:18*, he thinks "why is carlos home so late". Carlos walks into the bedroom and says "No way.. you're jealous?" "YES CARLOS! I am, you left me as soon as we walked in and left me sitting alone for hours. You didn't even walk over to see if I was ok or if I wanted to go home. You were with you're supposedly "old high school best friend". So yes Carlos, I am jealous." "Tk.." At this point Tk is so fed up and tired, so he just rolls back to where he was facing the window of their bedroom, he heard Carlos sigh and leave the room. Tk starts crying silently, and hears the front door open and close again. He wants to text Carlos but he can't, not after how he just snapped on him. Tk doesn't have a shift for the next 2 days so he gets to sleep in. He's asleep til 11, and when he wakes up, he reaches over to Carlos's side of the bed but remembers what happened the night before. He walks down to the kitchen to get some water and texts Carlos.
"Hi baby.."
"Tk. You hurt me last night."
"I'm sorry baby.. I really am. Where are you?"
" Had an early shift."
"Babe that's a lie cause all of your stuff is still here, where are you."
"Fine, I went back to Sam's house. He let me crash here"
"Babe you could've came to bed with me, I didn't mean to hurt you, and you know this."
"I know Tk, but I think we should spend some time apart for now so we can clear up our feelings about this."
Tk feels like crying and doesn't know what to do, so he goes to his dad's house and ends up bawling his eyes out in his dad's arms

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