04, kooks vs pogues round one

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❝for this is the endi've drowned and dreamt this momentso overdue, i owe themswept away, i'm stolen❞

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❝for this is the end
i've drowned and dreamt this moment
so overdue, i owe them
swept away, i'm stolen❞

-skyfall, adele


Pope's mom made the two teenagers breakfast and the morning was mostly a blur for Talia until she finally breathed the fresh island air. She cringed at the ungodly smell that the hurricane washed up.

    Talia denied the help Heyward offered her and she decided she'd bike home instead.

    The bike ride that Talia extended to be around the island and not just to her house was much different from the night before. Branches of trees were on the roads, many of the paths were still blocked even though people were working on them.

    The island was a mess. A colossal mess. Hurricane Agatha ripped through the island and left it in shambles. Talia did not want to spend too much time on the cut, the hurricane did the most damage there than in figure eight.

    The detour Talia took to get around the most significant roadblocks had her pushing her limits with biking. She was starting to think that maybe she should have let Heyward drive her home.

    Any calmness left over immediately left the girl's body when she saw her mom's vehicle in the driveway. She tried to take a few deep breaths and prepare herself as she leaned the bike against the side of the house. The girl took in the damage around her and grimaced.

    "Mom" Talia let out as she stepped into the house, the lack of power being something she took notice of immediately. There was a candle lit on the counter in the kitchen and Laurel Anderson was sitting on the couch, a book in her hands.

    "there you are! Jesus Talia, where the hell did you go?" Her mom glared over at her and Talia shut the door behind her. Talia smiled forcefully and hung her jacket on one of the hooks, it being the first time she noticed she was still wearing Pope's clothes.

    "Kiara picked me up, I stayed with her last night" Talia lied to her mom, not bothering to add any remnant of the truth.

    "hmm, I thought I told you not to leave the house yesterday" The deputy sheriff's eyes wandered back to the book in her hand. "the generator should be in tomorrow" Talia's mother informed her and she nodded.

    "Okay, I'm gonna go lay down for a little bit, my head's hurting," She said as she made her way the short distance to her room.

    She wasted no time in striping the clothes she wore the night before, tossing them into a pile by her door before she looked in her closet for something to throw on.

    It was hot out, so incredibly, disgustingly hot that the simple motion of grabbing clothes and putting them on caused the girl to feel sweaty. She did have to give credit to the fact that she did bike home but there was a cool breeze outside. The house, the non-air-conditioned house though was splintering.

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