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First story, hope y'all enjoy it:)


Today you went to catch up with an old friend of yours, Scarlett Johansson. Of course paparazzi was following you guys but it didn't bother you that much.

But Taylor had a different impact on the photos and videos she got tagged in by fans and friends, there was even an article that had the headline "Y/N Y/L/N hanging out with Scarlett Johansson, what about miss Swift?", and it made Taylor think.

Think if she was a good girlfriend or if it was just paparazzi starting drama. Taylor never gets jealous easily, but this made her a 'tiny' bit jealous, but it made perfect sense.

Because in one of the pictures it looked like Scarlett Johansson was kissing you on the lips, that's what made Taylor jealous. You guys have been dating for 6 months now, and you guys are taking it slow, but Taylor never saw this coming from you. You 'cheating' on you after the memory's you two made.

Taylor decided to wait and talk to you when you're home, so then she can let you explain what she just saw.

Time skip

It was now 10:18 pm and you unlocked your front door, but you didn't expect to be greeted like this.

"Where were you?" Taylor asked. "I told you, I was with Scarlett Johansson, why?" You responded.

"What did you guys do?" Taylor asked. "We went out for lunch and then went back to her house?" You said.

"That's all?" She said. "Yes, why?" You asked. Taylor grabbed her phone and searched for the photo's of you and Scarlett Johansson and showed them to you.

You were shocked to see the photo's, you guys knew paparazzi was following you two but never knew how bad it actually was.

"So, tell me the truth" She told you. "Sweatheart, these pictures were taken from another angle, that's why it looks like we kissed" You told her.

"Mhm" she mumbled. "Taylor, I would never in a million years do that to you, I love you with all my heart and will never even think about someone else if I know I got you waiting for me at home, we just went to talk about her wedding that's coming up, nothing more, I swear baby" I told her.

She looked me in the eye, to see if there was any chance I was lying, but I wasn't, I told her the truth and she knows it, she needs to know right?

"Did you mean it?" She asked me. "Mean what?" I asked. "Do you love me?" She asked me softly. "Taylor, sweetheart, I love you with all the bones in my body, I love you with all my heart, I love you to the moon-" "and to Saturn" She finished my speech with a smile on her lips.

I went up to her and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry I made you think that I would cheat on you, but remember this, I would never in a million years cheat on a woman as beautiful as you Taylor Swift" I said while give her a kiss on the head.

"Let's get to bed shall we?" She nodded her head in my chest, so I picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to our bedroom. I laid her down on the bed, grabbed some comfortable clothes for the both of us. We changed, brushed our teeth and went back to bed.

I spooned Taylor from behind and we got comfortable in bed. "Goodnight darling, sleep well" I said while kissing her head. "Goodnight love" she mumbled. And we both fell asleep in a few minutes.

Author speaking: Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's my first book and first chapter so I hope I didn't do to bad, anyways, if you got suggestions leave them in the comments please. Have a wonderful day and make sure you take care of yourself!🫶🏼

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