Chapter Eleven

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Height comparison for Emma and Adam in the picture

Emma's POV

I wake up strapped into a car seat in the back seat of vehicle. What the hell happened and where the fuck am I. I rub my head and think over the events of the evening. I was dancing with Katie and then their was a large man and after that all I remember is passing out while he carried me somewhere.

Oh shit, Max must have not gotten to me in time. I look to the front seat and see the same man from the club is driving. He takes up most of the front with how wide he is. He must have drugged me because my head is hurting. I can say I definitely remember him being a creep at the club. The fact I'm sitting in a car seat proves this point. I might have a daddy kink, but I'm not a damn baby.

I am still wearing my dress, but my shoes are off and on the floor. Before I have a chance to ask him where we are going and why I'm with him he notices I am awake.

Unknown Male: Hey little one, did you sleep well?
Emma: Who are you and where are we going?
Unknown Male: Someone is cranky. You will call me daddy and we are going home baby.
Emma: I'm not your baby and you are not my daddy. I already have a husband! Let me go!
Unknown Male: No can do little one. You are now mine. I have been looking for the perfect little girl and I finally found you.
Emma: What do you mean? I'm not a baby, I'm 22 years old. Please let me go and I won't tell anyone. Please please. I don't even know your name so I can't report you!
Unknown Male: I'm sorry hun, but I can't do that. You better hope your husband and little friends can find you. That's the only way you are leaving me.

I don't say anything else and just start crying. I miss Max and I hope he finds me soon. I can't be this mans baby. Is he crazy!!?! I will do everything I can to get away from him. It will be hard though because he is not a small dude, but I'm hoping that makes him slower. We will see.

We pull up to a small house in the middle of nowhere and he parks in the garage. He shuts the car off and shuts the garage door. He comes over to my side and grabs my shoes off of the floor and unbuckles the seat I am in. He picks me up like I'm a toddler and carry's me into his house. I can't move due to how tight he is holding me and I really don't want to fall on the concrete.

He takes me into a room that is literally a child's nursery. He sets my shoes on the floor and flips me around and stands me on the floor so he can unzip my dress. He has a hold of my arm so I can't run away from him.

Unknown Male: Let's get these big girl clothes off of you sweetie.

Once I am standing in my underwear against my will. He picks me up and makes me lay down on a giant changing table. He straps me down and grabs a pink long sleeve onesie out of a nearby drawer.

Emma: No please let me go. I don't want to wear that. Please. My husband is rich he can pay you. Please let me leave!!!!!

He sticks a pacifier in my mouth and straps it to my head so I can't remove it.

Unknown Male: Hush now, I don't need your money. I just want you baby. You are so perfect. You have such a cute little body. You are very tiny which makes things easier for me. Once I saw you at that club I knew I had to have you here with me.

I can't say anything so I just continue to cry. Please find me soon Max!!!

Adam's  POV

I change my little girl with very little effort. She is really small. The last little I had was a lot bigger than she is. I may have to buy her new clothes. I find the smallest onesie I have and take the large one off of her. This one fits better but it's still baggy on her little frame. She continues to cry as I take her downstairs to the kitchen.

Adam: Are you hungry baby girl? You need to eat, you are too tiny. I'm gonna end up accidentally hurting you.

She doesn't respond and just continues to cry. I take the pacifier off of her head and sit her in a highchair. I strap her in and make some Mac n cheese for us. I fix her a sippy cup with some apple juice in it and hand it to her. She just stares at it for a few minutes.

Emma: Please let me go, I don't want to be here. I miss my husband and friends.
Adam: Drink your juice baby, daddy is making you some yummy food.

I ignore her plea's to go home. No point in causing her more distress. She rubs her eyes and tries to stop crying. I watch her while I cook. She eventually drinks some of her juice. She will need to sleep after we eat. I am hoping no one saw us leave the club, but I have a feeling her husband will be doing all he can to find her. We may need to leave at some point tonight to be on the safe side.

I finish the food and put some in a bowl for her with a toddler spoon. She's eats some of the food slowly while I eat all of mine with a few bites. After a few minutes the doorbell rings. I strap the pacifier back on and head to the door. I open it and step outside.

Adam: Can I help you officers? I was right in the middle of my dinner.
Officer 1: Are you Adam Smith?
Adam; Yes, what seems to be the problem?
Officer 2: You were last seen in a night club with Emma Jones. Do you know where she is?
Adam: I'm sorry, who is that?

The first officer pulls out a picture of my little girl and I keep a straight face. Shit! Fuck! Someone did see me and apparently figured out who I am.

Adam: Never seen her in my life officers.
Officer 2: We have eye witnesses saying otherwise sir. Mind if we look around?
Adam: I do actually, you can come back with a search warrant.
Officer 1: I figured you might say that, so we did in fact get a search warrant. Step aside sir.
Adam: Over my dead body.

I pull out my gun with a silencer on it and shoot both of the officers dead right on my front porch. No one is taking my baby away from me. Lucky I don't have any neighbors. I quickly wrap the bodies in a large tarp and carry them behind my house. I throw them both in my fire pit and set them on fire. Once they are ashes I dump them in the pond behind my house. That took a few hours and I need to take care of my little one.

I head inside and shower before I get her out of the high chair. She is passed out asleep and her food is on the floor. I clean up the kitchen and take her to the bathroom after removing the pacifier from her mouth. I bathe her and change her into a diaper and a clean onesie that is way too big for her. She doesn't need to know anything happened. I call a buddy of mine to come get the cop car and get rid of it. No reason to leave evidence. I kiss my baby goodnight and lock her in her crib. We both need some sleep!

Adam Smith, 7'5, 35 years old(picture him with way more fat than muscles and he's not as tall as the dude in the picture, but just to give you an idea of how large he actually is)

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Adam Smith, 7'5, 35 years old(picture him with way more fat than muscles and he's not as tall as the dude in the picture, but just to give you an idea of how large he actually is)

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