Chapter Fifteen

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Emma's POV

The last three days have been stressful to say the least. Today I have therapy and everyone knows I need it. I'm supposed to go to my therapist's office, but with Adam on the loose I am meeting with my therapist over zoom. I haven't been eating much this week and I have lost some weight. I have been getting a lot of sleep however.

The meeting with my therapist James goes well. I tell him everything that is going on and we discuss some coping mechanisms. I tell him that Max is being very supportive, but he doesn't really know how to help me. James lets me vent and gives me more tools to help me work through everything that is happening. I appreciate his help, but I wish I could just make it all go away.

I finish up and head to take a shower. Max should be making dinner, but I'm just not hungry. I get a quick shower and change into some sweat pants and a hoodie. I put my hair up in a wet messy bun and head to the kitchen. I fix myself some lemonade and hug my husband from behind.

Emma's Outfit^

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Emma's Outfit^

Max: Hey baby. You okay? How was therapy?
Emma: I'm okay, it went well.
Max: Good deal. Are you hungry?
Emma: No, but I know I need to eat something.
Max: Yes you do! You are losing too much weight baby.

I don't answer and Max frowns at me. We are having chicken with some salad. I pick at my food and try to make conversation.

Emma: I love you, thank you for being understanding.
Max: Of course babe, I know this is taking a toll on you, I love you so much and I'm always here for you!

He kisses me hard and sits me on the counter. I feel bad he always breaks his back for me. We kiss more and he just holds me. Max cleans the kitchen while I stare at my handsome husband from the counter. Lucky he is already ready for bed too with shorts and a hoodie on. He picks me up and we head to the living room to watch a movie.

Max's outfit^

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Max's outfit^

Max: What do you want to watch?
Emma: Disney movie?
Max: Okay love, anything for you. Go get comfy.

I head to the couch and he puts in Moana for us. I move over so he can sit down and he pulls me into his lap and grabs a blanket for us. He knows I'm always cold. We watch the movie for a while until the door bell rings. I tense up and Max gives me a look.

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