Chapter Two

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Max in the picture

Max's POV

I finish up my work and decide I am going out for a drink. I need some entertainment in my life. I head to the shower and check myself out in the mirror. Damn I look good. I am about 6'8, with blond hair and blue eyes. My dad was a big dude. I work out everyday in the gym in my penthouse apartment and try to keep my body weight around 250 or so. I don't have many friends and my family is non-existent. I work from home for an IT company and do pretty well for myself. Life has been pretty boring as of late.

I change into jeans and a button up shirt with white sneakers. I style my messy hair and put on some cologne. I grab my keys, sunglasses, phone, and wallet an head out to my black truck after locking up.

Max's outfit ^

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Max's outfit ^

Max's outfit ^

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Max's Truck ^

I pull up to the bar and head inside. I would normally head straight to the bar, but I notice a cute little thing sitting in my usual seat. I pick a table off to the side and stare at this little beauty and her older friend. She can't be more than 21 if that. She has long blond hair and is a tiny little thing. Just my type. I can't see her eye color from here, but I'm sure they are just as gorgeous as the rest of her. They are both dressed up, so I can only assume they came here straight from work.  I need to figure out a way to talk to her. I order a rum and coke while I think about my plan of action.

My opportunity comes when I glance over at my beauty and see her friend heading away from her. I am not close enough to hear what they were saying, but if I had to guess she was probably going to the bathroom. Now is my chance.

I head over to the bar and take a seat beside her. I notice she is drinking a strawberry daiquiri. What a perfect choice for her.

Max: Hey cutie, what are you doing here alone? Let me buy you a drink.
Unknown female: Hi, I am just waiting for my friend. She went to the bathroom. I already have a drink, but thank you though.
Max: Aww, don't be like that cutie. My name is Max, what's yours?

Her little friend comes back before my little cutie has a chance to answer me.

Julie: I'm back, is everything okay Emma?
Emma: Yea, everything is fine. This guy was just leaving.

Ouch, that's harsh. I sit back in my chair and sip my drink while I think of how to get her number. I decide to try and talk to her friend so she could see I wasn't a threat. I obviously wasn't going to get anywhere with her for now.

Max: Hi, I am Max. You must be Emma's friend. What's your name?
Julie: Julie, nice to meet you. Do you know Emma?
Max: Not yet, but I would love to get to know her.

Neither one of the girls says anything else to me. I can tell Emma is checking me out on the low. Don't worry baby girl, I have already checked you out. Emma and Julie exchange numbers and Emma leaves the bar. Now is my chance to get her number from her friend Julie. Call me a stalker if you want, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to get what he wants.

Max: Hey Julie, do you think you could give me Emma's number? I would love to talk to her and get to know her better.
Julie: I don't know if that's a good idea. She is a new friend of mine and she would probably be mad at me if I just gave a stranger her number. Especially since she didn't seem that interested in you dude.
Max: It's fine. I understand. I don't want her to think I'm a creep.
Julie: Thanks, I'm glad you understand. I need to head home too, my husband is probably wondering where I am. It was nice meeting you. Maybe we will see you around.
Max: Nice meeting you as well. See ya!

Julie leaves and I glance down at the
bar. I see Emma left her bill signed on the bar. Looks like her name is Emma Jones. I will be looking her up tonight. Maybe I can get in contact with her by another means or at the very least find out some info on her. It may sound crazy, but I need to see her again and learn more about her.

I drive home and start my research. I find out that she works at a company right down the road, has one sister, her parents are gone and she's basically a good girl with no criminal record or even a speeding ticket. She has a Facebook and I add her as a friend. If she doesn't want to talk to me on Facebook and eventually give me her number, I will just show up at her job and ask her out. Easy peasy.

Emma's POV
I make it home and see I have a few texts from Julie. I change clothes and read my texts while chilling on the couch.

Julie: Hey girl, I hope you made it home safely. Max from the bar was asking about you after you left.
Emma: What did he want?
Julie: He wanted your number, but don't worry I didn't give a stranger your number. Especially since you and I just met and became friends.
Emma: Wow, thank you for not giving him my number. That kinda sounds stalkerish of him.
Julie: That's what I thought too, but I think he just likes what he saw and wants to get to know you. I figured he could find you another way if it was meant to be.

*Ding~Facebook Notification
I click on the notification and see a Max Thompson requested to be your friend on Facebook.

Emma: Looks like he did because I just got a Facebook friend request from him.
Julie: Oh wow, that's crazy.
Emma: No kidding! Should I add him? I mean he's hot and all but it all seems a little weird to me.
Julie: That's up to you girl, just be careful if you do.
Emma: Thanks girl! See you tomorrow!

I click on Max's page and stalk him for a few minutes. I can't really find anything too crazy on him, but a lot of his stuff is private. I would have to add him as a friend in order to see more. I decide to add him as a friend, I can always delete and block him later if needed. A few minutes after I add him I get a message from him on Facebook messenger.

Max: Hey Emma, it's Max from the bar. Thanks for the add. How are you?
Emma: Hi, I'm okay. Just relaxing. Why did you look me up on Facebook?
Max: You wouldn't talk to me in person, so I hoped you would feel more comfortable online to start.
Emma: Yea sorry about that, I'm kinda shy and got a little nervous at the bar.
Max: I could tell. You have good friends though. I tried to get your number from Julie, but she wouldn't give it to me.
Emma: Can you blame her? We don't know you.
Max: Of course I don't, I would have been a little skeptical of your friends if she would have given me your number. I couldn't pass up the chance to ask though.
Emma: That's fair. I need to get ready for bed.
Max: Okay cutie, can I have your number now so we can text? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Emma: Dude, no!
Max: Alright fine, I will find it out on my own then. Have a good night cutie and I will talk to you later.
Emma: Whatever you say. Good Night.

I change my status on Facebook to away and close the app. Damn that man is annoying on another level. What does he even mean he will find out on his own. Oh shit, is my cell on my Facebook about me section?!? I hope not.

After checking my page I face palm because there it is. He probably already has it by now. I'm an idiot. Too late to worry about it now. I need sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be less eventful. I climb into bed and fall asleep to the sound of heavy rain on Alexa.

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