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When the hues of the sky had dissipated from the dark navy, and were replaced with rich scarlet red and vivid orange; Nyra knew all hope of sleep was lost on her

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When the hues of the sky had dissipated from the dark navy, and were replaced with rich scarlet red and vivid orange; Nyra knew all hope of sleep was lost on her. The morning would see that she would return to her mother’s home seat, and her life would be ripped apart for the King’s wishes. “You know, don’t you? Sweet girl.”

The tired voice of her mother had her turning, barely able to glance at her but she could see the dark rings that lined Alicent’s eyes; her own sleep had evaded her like a ghost. “Aegon and I overheard last night.” She admitted before turning her attention to Aemond. He was fast asleep, knocked out by the amount of Milk of the Poppy he had had, no doubt. She could see the wound better in this light, how deep it really was and how puckered the skin remained around the dark stitches. It was gruesome to witness, she could only imagine how tender it must be when he wakes.

“It is up to you how we choose to do this.” She said. “Viserys will meet us in the hall below and escort us to the boat, or we can wait and he can drag us there if he must.” Nyra looked at her brother, at how peaceful he felt and how much they had all been through the past couple of hours, and she knew that she couldn’t have them dragging her kicking and screaming through the halls.

She had to be brave, she had to be a Hightower. “We should meet him in the hall.” She told him. “But I want to gather my things first, and I will be taking Veraxes with me.” Alicent held her tightly, ensuring to brush back the red curls as she cradled her youngest daughter with motherly hands. The bed beneath them felt comforting, Nyra's hands only tightening into her nightdress.

“Whatever you want, my love.” Alicent eased. “I will make sure that your stay there is comfortable, and when permitted, I’ll come to see you.” There was a small comfort in that. “Perhaps you will even come to love your time there.” They doubted it but Nyra didn’t say anything as she gave a small nod. “At least you’ll see the Starry Sept in Oldtown, and the Citadel. Maybe you could work on your devotion in the Sept, even become a Septa if you wanted to.”

Nyra could only nod. “You’ll come to love it, just as I did once upon a time. Maybe you won’t even want to come back.”

“It would be easier for everyone if I didn’t.” She couldn’t help but blurt out, surprising Alicent who recoiled.

“It wouldn’t be easier for me. I don’t want to give you away, Nyra.” The tears were thick in her throat, burning at her eyes as Nyra looked at the tapestries. “One day, Viserys will die and you will be home. If that doesn’t happen quick enough, I’ll find a way to bring you home, I promise you.” Was it wrong to wish for his death? Maybe. Was it wrong to long for home? Not at all.

“We better get ready before he comes looking for us.” She muttered after a while, ready to get up and head back to her own room. Alicent nodded smally, moving from the bed so that Nyra could leave it. They dared one last look at Aemond, knowing it was better to let him rest. She didn’t want him stressed or trying to fight the guards after his eye had only just been mended.

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