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"I.... I'm not sure, Princess."

Me? A Champion? That thought had never in the history of ever crossed my mind! I'm not fit for the position of champion...

"My father sent me in search of a new champion, and you seem like a perfect fit!" She cheered. Her knight gave me a thumbs up, which was weirdly... comforting.

"So, what do you say, Mx (Y/N)? Want to give it a try?" She offered me her hand.

"I... well... no harm in trying, right?" I sighed and held her hand.

"Perfect!" She cheered. The knight whistled, making his horse come running towards us.

Immediately, the princess and her knight got up onto the horse. I followed closely, and soon enough, we were on the road.

"So... where to now?" I asked, trying not to lose my balance and fall from the horse. I've never actually ridden a horse before, but everything has a first time I guess...

"Well, the first thing we need to do is to see if Vah-Windre takes a liking to you! They weren't... friendly with Link, to say the least." She chuckled. Link looked a little embarrassed.

"Alright then...?" I've actually never seen the Divine Beast that roams around here, since it's usually hidden underwater. Probably thanks from it's very grumpy personality from what I've heard.

The horse sped up, the wind flowing along. My long hair and ears followed the wind's flow.

A few minutes went by, and we finally arrived at the river. We got down from the horse, and stood near the shore.

Suddenly, the ground shook a little, and a giant turtle-like machine came out of the water.

"THIS is Vah-Windre?!" I asked, amazed by the sheer size of this Divine Beast.

"Indeed. Why don't you get a bit closer? We have to know if it takes a liking to you." Zelda pushed me forward.

"Uhm... princess, I..." before I could complete my sentence, I was already face to face with Vah-Windre.

The divine beast put it's head near me.

"... Good turtle?" I patted the beast, silently screaming in my head "please don't kill me"

Surprisingly, the beast seemed to like that. It cuddled it's head closer to me.

"Seems like you've got a new friend, (Y/N)" Zelda chuckled.

"I guess so!" I turned to her with a big smile


It's been a few days since my first meeting with Zelda and Link. We traveled to the castle. There's supposed to be a ceremony today to officially make me and the other chosen a champion. I'm pretty excited... and horrified.

"What if I'm not ready? What if I mess up? What if the other champions don't like me?" Millions of thoughts raced through my head as Zelda, Link, and I walked through the hallway.

I'm guessing Link must've noticed my worry, since he put his hand on my shoulder (well, on my arm, since I'm taller), and gave me a look that said "don't worry".

That weirdly worked... and I managed to get my nerves to cool down.

We stopped right in our tracks when Zelda stood in front of a massive door.

"Alright (Y/N). The rest of the soon-to-be champions are in here too, and so is my father, the king. Please try to keep calm, okay? You'll do great." She beamed, before pushing open the doors.

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