Chapter Ten | Discomfort and Unease

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Melissa sighed, glancing at the time - 6:15. Forty-five minutes before Zack was due to arrive. The silence in the walkway was oppressive, her anticipation palpable. Dylan's sudden question made her jump. "What's wrong? You have that look."

Melissa's heart raced as she turned to face him. "What look?" she asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

Dylan raised an eyebrow. "The look you get when you're anxious about something small." He shrugged, his hands disappearing into his jacket pockets.

Melissa's response came out harsher than intended. "What are you even doing here?"

Dylan's expression turned emotionless. "I came from the medical clinic on the island. You know, where our friend Alex is recovering after nearly drowning four hours ago?"

Melissa's guilt was palpable. "Oh... how's he doing?"

Dylan's tone remained cold. "Stable, but the doctor wants to keep him under observation. He hit his head hard and swallowed a lot of water." He sighed, his eyes narrowing. "Look, mouse, you're not acting like yourself. You're usually not like this, especially not over some guy you just met."

Melissa defended Zack, but Dylan cut her off. "Max has been missing all day, and Amy's traumatized after almost drowning. Our friends are in crisis, and you're distracted."

Melissa bit her lip, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry, Dyl, but honestly -"

Dylan's eyes darkened, and he shook his head. "You think I'm overreacting?"

Melissa nodded, and Dylan stormed off with a curt "Fine."

Melissa tried to push aside the lingering tension from the fight, sitting alone until the moon shone brightly overhead.

Finally, Zack arrived, apologizing with a charming smile, "Sorry I'm late, lost track of time."

But his nonchalant attitude grated on her nerves. "It's already eight," she pointed out, her tone hinting at her annoyance.

Zack shrugged, unfazed. "Oh, so it's not that bad then." He sighed, his expression briefly flickering with regret before he continued, "Let's grab some food, the buffet's still open for another hour."

Melissa felt her discomfort grow as she realized he'd shown up an hour late without any consideration for her feelings.

As they arrived at the buffet, she was dismayed to see many people had already left, leaving limited food options.

But the island's nighttime atmosphere was enchanting - bright lights dimmed to a warm glow, evoking a sense of earthy serenity. Outside, the stars twinkled, and the moon cast a silver reflection on the calm sea.

"It's beautiful!" She exclaimed, her frustration momentarily forgotten.

He, however, was more concerned with his growling stomach. "Yeah, but I'm starving. We can admire the view during the meal." He headed towards the buffet, leaving her to trail behind, muttering under her breath, "What have I done to myself?"

He reached the buffet before her grabbing two plates, "So, what's your favorite dish here?"

Eyeing her options carefully she began to speak but was cut off shortly, "I was thinking of trying the grilled fish, but-"

"Ah, boring choice princess. You need to try the spicy shrimp, it's a game-changer." He shook his head dumping a bunch of shrimp onto her plate.

Taken aback Melissa eyed the plate, "Uh, I don't know if I'm in the mood for something that spicy..."

Giving her a questioning look he nodded, "Come on, it's not that bad. Live a little! I promise, it'll be worth it."

"Okay, fine..." Melissa trailed off.

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