Introducing Melissa Garcia

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Become a Sunflower

Monday afternoon Melissa stood in her family's garden, curiously watching the way her Aunt had been planting sunflowers.

Sighing she ran her hands through her hair, a frown edged on her face. Her glare towards the sunflower's seemed to intensify, hating the bright color while her mood was so dark.

Her Aunt-Bailey-seemed to notice this instantly looking up at the girl. "What's wrong?"

Although Baileys voice was soft, Melissa's head shot back up in confusion before she replied, "Nothing why?"

"Your aggressive aura is distracting Meli, what's wrong?" Baileys words were stern not taking no for an answer.

Sighing in defeat Melissa decided to share what was weighing on her shoulders so heavily, "I just don't understand, why won't they allow me to be what I want to be? I want to study education, I want to become a teacher but they won't allow it. All I'm supposed to be is a accountant and it's frustrating."

"Your parents have always been unreasonable Meli, but it's because our parents were aswell." Bailey chuckled moving to the bench Melissa sat on removing her soil cover gloves and slowly taking her hand.

"How'd you manage it?" Melissa's eyes met Baileys, sadness seemed to be placed deep and had only been growing.

"I became a sunflower," Bailey smiled her focus returning back to the plants she was busy with before. Her light blue eyes filled with joy.

Melissa's face scrunched up in confusion, "Aunty B, I'm leaving for college in two days... I can't really change my major in a sunflower? My parents will never allow that. Plus it's kinda impossible,"

Bailey laughed, "No silly!"

Seeing Melissa's confusion only grow, Bailey decided to explain better. "A sunflower faces the sun, and each one is unique. Some have long petals, others shorter. All in different shades of yellow some even orange, each sun flower is unique." she sighed in content.

"Ever seen a sunflower in the darkness? They seem to light up the dark. They decide to focus on the bright side-The sun-and they give joy to others, some have been neglected and broken down by not being cared for. But nonetheless they still rise. Become a friend, become a Sunflower. Be joyful no matter how many odds are against you, be careful for those who will neglect you. Light up the dark for others. Be unique Melissa."

From that moment forward, her eyes seemed to open.


Melissa Garcia, a shy lonely girl who always had her choices stripped from her. Her future planned out since the day she was born, with strict parents and being slightly overweight according to her. No one's ever taken a chance to be her friend much less anything more.

But from the day her aunt passed away, Melissa was certain of one thing. She was going to follow in her footsteps the women who brought so much joy to so many.

She was going to be a sunflower

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