Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

The remainder of the school day went by without any incident, which Louis was more than happy with. Jonathan didn't try to approach or talk to him again, which made Louis hopeful Jonathan wasn't going to attempt to continue trying to get Louis to help him.

However, Louis did still seem to be the focal point of the other students within the school as he couldn't seem to go anywhere without having at least a few eyes on him. It could have been because of the news about his aunt passing away circulating the school, or perhaps it was the scene he created with Jonathan the previous Friday. Whatever it was, he would rather they all focused on something else. The prying eyes often sent a shudder running down his spine—which was happening now.

Th final bell for school had rung, and Louis was slowly making his way out of the library where he had hidden himself away for his final period. On his timetable, he was supposed to be attending his drama class, however, his teacher, Mrs Carter, had given him a pass to have a free period instead. It had been something which was arranged months prior, due to Louis not being a part of the play which the class would be putting on for the school.

It was, in fact, the same play Jonathan had been asking Louis to help him with—Romeo and Juliet—one which Louis knew incredibly well. Of course, with Louis not being a part of the play, Mrs Carter had seen no reason for him to be attending lessons in which they would be doing rehearsals for it.

Of course, Louis had still had to perform something for his grade and had been given the option to write and perform a monologue—which he already done. So, since then, before what happened with his aunt, Louis had spent his drama periods browsing the school library, trying to find books to his liking.

Now he was back at school, he was seemingly falling back into that old pattern.

It gave him a weird sense of calm browsing the books on the shelves before him. Even if he didn't end up choosing one to read, it was something he had some control over—something he lacked in other aspects of his life.

Pushing through the door of the library and walking into the hallway, Louis ignored the few stares he received as he began making his way toward the exit, moving with the other students doing the same.

Unlike the other students, however, Louis came to a halt when a familiar voice floated over the heads of his peers and into his ears.

"Louis!" Mrs Carter's bounced off the walls and reached its destination with ease, and Louis turned to look over the sea of teenagers.

His eyes scanned above the crowd until his eyes settle on his drama teacher standing in the doorway of a classroom. Her auburn hair sat up in a tight bun with a few stands spiralling in front of her face, and as her bronze eyes meet with Louis', she waved him over to her.

Giving a small, gentle wave back, Louis began moving in the opposite direction of the other students, which was much easier than he thought it would be as everyone quickly moved out of his way. It was the one good thing about being someone everyone walked on eggshells around—people didn't want to get too close.

Though, the whispers he could've done without.

Keeping his eyes on Mrs Carter, Louis waded through the crowd as it began to thin. His mind trained on what his teacher would want to talk about. Having been a close friend of his mothers, Mrs Carter would no doubt want to make sure Louis was doing all right after the passing of his aunt and ensure he was coping okay.

Normally, he would be dreading having any sort of conversation about how he was feeling as the previous attempts other people had made to get him to talk had indicated.

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