Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

With no students to wade through, Louis reached the doors in no time and pushed through them stepping into the warm afternoon air. His eyes wandered before him watching students casually hanging around in the parking lot with each other or standing near the dedicated muster point for the buses. Not many of his peers remained, which gave Louis a clear line of sight to Sam's car, where his best friend was waiting for him.

However, he wasn't alone.

Louis smiled as he took in the sight of Isaac leaning against Sam's car and he quickly moved toward them, excited to feel Isaac in his arms.

"Lou!" Isaac called as Louis got closer, pushing himself off the car and hurrying toward Louis.

His light brown hair sat messily on his head and his hazel eyes beamed as they took in the sight of Louis.

"Hey, you!" Louis' grin widened as he reached Isaac, and they wrapped their arms around each other. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I haven't seen you in a couple of days and I missed you," Isaac muttered into Louis' ear before they broke away from each other.

The feeling of Isaac's breath on Louis' neck sent shockwaves coursing through his body and he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand to attention.

"What did you do; teleport here from your school?" Louis asked, giving Sam a small nod to acknowledge his existence.

"Have I not told you I have abilities? I'm basically Edward from Twilight."

"Pretty sure he could only read minds," Louis pointed out, and Isaac squinted. "You haven't seen the movies, have you?"

"Glimpses while my sisters watched them."

"Speaking of," Louis started, moving around Isaac, toward Sam who was still waiting patiently for the two boys. "How's Sarah?"

"Better today. Which is why I thought I'd come see you." Isaac grabbed Louis' arm as he reached for the car door. "I thought we could do something."

"Does it not involve getting driven there?" Louis asked, and he could see Sam shaking his head.

"Nope. I get the peace and quiet of a solo ride."

"I'm guessing you have something planned?" Isaac nodded at Louis question.

"Of course, I do."

"Lead the way, then."

"I'll see you at home, Lou," Sam said, moving to get in the car. "Oh, and Isaac, tell Sarah to get over her stomach bug."

Louis stomach dropped at Sam's words, and he kept his eyes focused on the ground while Isaac responded.

"Will do."

Louis hated the fact they had to lie to Sam about Sarah and what was going on with her, but he knew they couldn't tell him. Not yet. Sarah wanted to be the one to let him know, but there hadn't been the opportunity to do so.

Standing back from the car, Isaac wrapped his arm around Louis as they watched Sam clamber inside and bring the engine to life. With a wave at the two boys, Sam pulled out of the parking spot and drove away.

"So, how did you get here?" Louis asked, slithering his own arm around Isaac.

"Two free periods. Plus, a bus." Isaac began walking as he spoke, guiding Louis toward the parking lot's exit as though he was the one who went to this school.

"Damn. Kinda wished I was dating a vampire."

Isaac laughed. "I'll keep that in mind."

The two boys continued to walk through the school's parking lot until they reached the exit where they came to a halt. Louis looked over at Isaac, who was already letting his eyes wander over Louis.

"Where are we going? Got anything planned or are we winging it?" Louis asked, and Isaac shot him a smirk.

"I have many ideas."

Louis hummed. "Is one of them telling me when you and Sam got so close?"

"I wouldn't say we're that close." Isaac chuckled. "We have each other's number, though."

"Oh, you two have some late-night texts, do you?"

Louis let himself be lead down the sidewalk by Isaac, letting his arm loosen and his hand slip into Isaac's.

"Oh, yeah. Every night. We're in each other's DM's. Gossiping. You know how it is."

"I could imagine." Louis let out a soft laugh.

"I know what you're thinking, Lou."

"So, you are Edward?"

"I don't know what that means," Isaac admitted with a chuckle. "Though, I'm guessing it's a Twilight thing."

"We're definitely going to binge it." Louis glanced at Isaac as they walked and saw Isaac grimace. "We're also deflecting."

Louis, of course, knew exactly why they were deflecting the conversation. Isaac and Sam would have been texting each other about how Louis was doing. Which Louis had no problem with. They both cared about him and had a right to be worried, though, Louis didn't want to know what they were saying.

He could guess, and a lot of those guesses revolved around him not handling his situation the way everyone else wants him to. Though, now he and Sam had some form of agreement, perhaps the texts between his best friend and boyfriend were slightly different. Uplifting, perhaps. Full of hope.

Louis doubted it. Though, maybe one day.

"We are," Isaac said softly, gripping Louis' hand a little tighter. "I'm guessing you don't want me to tell you your own thoughts then?"

"Not right now," Louis said, shooting Isaac a forced smile. "Consider me Bella for the moment."




A/N: How have you not seen Twilight, Isaac?

Comment for Edward. Vote for Jacob. Or do both for me :)



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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