Little secret

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So, you guys know that I celebrate Passover and Easter, right? I also celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah and Halloween. But I bet you can't guess the reason why. But I will give you a hint: my parents are the reason why.

So, could it be

A. Shits and giggles

B. Because I am weird

C. Because it's fun


D. I come from a mixed religion household

If you answered D, you're correct! My mom is Jewish and my dad was Christian. They decided before I was born to celebrate both of their religions together. My dad didn't quite understand the symbolism behind Passover and Hanukkah, but he had fun eating the hamutz (leavened bread, but I don't know if I used the proper term) and playing Dreidel with us. My mom, on the other hand, doesn't believe that Jesus is the savior but celebrates Easter anyways because it's fun. (Take THAT, atheistbisexual). Because my mom is Jewish though, that means that I am born Jewish because the lineage is passed down on the mother's side.

All of my siblings except for one was born with a Torah in one hand and something to represent their lives in the other hand. My big sister was born with a Torah in one hand and a miniature sailboat in the other. My brother managed to scare everyone because he was born with a Torah in one hand and two things in his other hand. One was a Nerf gun and the other was a guitar. I was born with a Torah in one hand and a video game controller in my other hand. My little sister was born with a Torah in one hand and a puzzle piece in the other.

For a brief time in grade school, I also attended Hebrew school. To say my teacher liked me would be a lie. She hated my guts because my mom wasn't an Orthodox Jew. I remember a few things, like how to say "good morning" and a few prayers. But in 2019 I decided to go on Duolingo and actually learn my religion's language. Then it turned to me being the little linguist by learning French, Spanish, Polish, Hebrew and Japanese. Not going to lie: I get bored. You heard it here first: Sonicphobia teaches herself a new language when she's bored!

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