Chapter 4: The Alchemist's New Clothes

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Now that the Saporian crisis was averted, things in Corona were starting to get back to normal. Well, more-or-less. The king and queen were currently out of action due to the Wand of Oblivium. So Rapunzel assumed the role as acting queen until her parents recovered from their amnesia, if they recovered that is. The mysterious effects of the magical Saporian object were tricky to overcome. And then, there was the matter of helping young Varian recover from Andrew abusing him, physically and mentally.

Just today, she and Eugene had taken the boy to the medical wing to assess the contusions he sustained from Andrew's maltreatment. One nurse with chestnut brown hair gently looked him all while not trying to aggravate his discolorations. Meanwhile, Varian trembled uncomfortably under her careful touch.

"This is somewhat startling." the nurse declared. "He has so many lacerations, almost his body is black and blue. I'm surprised Varian's still able to walk. Not to mention he's frighteningly skinny."

"So what do you suggest, ma'am?" Rapunzel asked.

"I think I would be best for Varian to hold off on extensive physical activities until he recovers from this." the nurse deduced before handing Eugene a bottle. "I also recommend applying this ointment on his bruises. That should help mitigate the flaring of his lacerations. Have him apply it twice a day in the morning and at bedtime. And if you ever run out, I'll have another bottle ready for you."

"Thank you so much, nurse-" the princess began.

"Call me Miss Swan, Your Highness." she told her.

"Quick question." Eugene butted in. "What do we do about the psychological implications from 'he who shall remain nameless?'"

He purposefully left out Andrew's name so that Varian didn't go into an anxiety attack.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a background in psychology." Miss Swan answered. "All I can say is for you two to be what Varian truly needs. The poor thing has suffered from something no child should ever have to go through."

She didn't have to tell Rapunzel twice. It still twisted her stomach to think about the boy's ordeal at the hands of a maniacal grown man.

"While we're talking about what the kid needs, I believe a mandatory breakfast is in order." her boyfriend proclaimed. "To the gazebo!"

Later that morning; Varian, Rapunzel, Eugene, and Lance indulged in a wide spread of breakfast foods. It was like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Varian however was a little hesitant about digging, fearing that his meal could be laced with a sedative.

"Stop thinking like that!" he scolded himself. "Andrew's not here! You don't have to worry about that anymore!"

The dark prince noticed that the boy was barely touching his food and worry began to bubble inside him.

"C'mon kid, you gotta eat something." he told him. "Some protein and vitamins can do a body good, especially in your case."

"I-I'm just making sure there isn't any s-s-sleeping draught in the food or water." the teen stuttered.

"Why would anyone put that in your food?" Lance asked before coming to a conclusion. "Did Andrew used to do that to you?"

"I-I-I-If I was lucky enough to eat." Varian answered shyly.

The princess and two men exchanged horrified glances with one another. Hearing that was definitely unsettling.

"Well, I can assure you. You're meal is 100% free of any kind of drug." Rapunzel guaranteed.

The young alchemist then experimentally sampled a bite of his pancake and took a swig of water. To his relief, he couldn't taste anything out of the ordinary. It tasted exactly just how food and water should taste. So Varian happily enjoyed the rest of his meal. His friends couldn't hold back their satisfaction. It was definitely a good first step in the right direction.

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