4. Binani

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This was the first time I was waking up next to her, My eyes hadn't left her face for the past hour, and not a nerve in me doubted that I could watch her sleep for the rest of my life.

Her face is so calm, her eyes shut tight, and the rest that relays on her face urged me to make sure it never falters from there. She had a very sharp nose, and full lips, so kissable.

I had to clutch myself in my place, not to kiss her in her consciousness.

She fluttered, her eyelids squinting when the sunlight moved towards her face, and she turned around, on her side facing me. Her view is more clear.

Our marriage has been a long run even in the short span we spent together, Isn't it weird that the first time I slept next to my wife after put marriage was after one month?

"Your gaze is blazing than the sun!" I heard her speak when she opened her eyes. I wonder what kind of mood she is going to wake up with today.

Her black eyes caught me, I would kill for having eyes like those in my twins. She didn't even fumble her gaze once when she met mine.

"Well, the son is jealous of how bright you are. Your rays just standoff his." I told her, and she chuckled.

Her smile is such a rare appearance, the world has to crush down on her feet for her to bless us with it.
She closed her eyes, inhaling.

I couldn't control it, my hands itched to trace her skin, I took my hands towards her face, and those eyes caught me before I could touch her, the approval those black orbs gave me, sent relief down my chest.

Maybe my fingers would have preferred burning down if I hadn't got to touch her face.

I trailed my skin at the jawline of her, to her chin where there was a simple mark barely visible. She has many scars, on her back, and her hands. And I want to know the stories behind every one of them.

I want to emerge myself in the same darkness she refused to get out of.
I trained my hand over their entire face, from her brows to her cheek, her nose bridge and then down to her lips, her perfect heart-shaped lips, tracing their edges.

She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and it's no wonder that people flew from different cities to just see Kalipari dance once.

I don't know how long my hand lingered on her lips, when she finally closed off the distance between us, leaning it kept a light peck on mine.

"Good morning to you too!" She walked out of the bed next movement, my hand was still in the air, surprised by what just happened.

She has been acting strange since yesterday, I wonder if it is just because she is settling into her new life now.

She went inside the bathroom, and the voice of the shower followed along. I wanted to follow behind her, but I am not sure how open and direct that would be. And how willing is she to it?

She came out soon after, completely naked, My eyes almost felt like I was still dozed off, and I blinked trying to regain consciousness, but she went towards the closet where she had stacked her clothes last time. Picking out yet another beautiful saree, she stepped towards the mirror. She wore her undergarments first, I might be a creep to not take my eyes off her.

But she is my wife. I can gawk at her. "Are you uncomfortable?" She asked me, I cleared my throat before sleeping.

"Are you going to stab me again?" I meant it as a joke, the last time she chose to be so bold, she slept next to me with a knife in her hand.

Given As Gift [Trilogy #3] (Abhiraj and Taara) Where stories live. Discover now