18. Daldal

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The blood spattered on my face, the dampness soaked on my skin, and my mouth was left open. The disbelief held me tightly with what had I witnessed.

Death attains hypocrisy.
We humans beg for it, and yet when faced? We retain to accept it.
We might feel relief when the one we hate is blessed with an eternity of darkness. But pain when faced with those closest to us.

Similarly, stood this man I never asked to face death in this matter. I opened my eyes, with Abhiraj's back facing me, and the scalpel he was handing me over earlier was pushed on the tongue of the doctor.

The drop of blood on me, and Abhiraj's hands. Red with what we are.
Abhiraj's hand wrapped around the doctor's throat while he made the man struggle under his fist.
“What did you dare to call my wife?” I have met and seen this Abhiraj.
This is the Abhiraj I met first.

The deadly, bloody one who doesn't hesitate before killing. The man who would do anything without any limit for things he cared about. He invested crores to only make me suffer for his world back then. Now?
It was a feeble image of not so feeble man.

The doctor's mouth bled more. The drop slid through his mouth, “Abhiraj? Don't do this?” I asked him, silently behind and he laughed,

His throat buzzed when Abhiraj laughed and turned to see me, even his face had a splatter of blood on them, “This man lied and didn't give you information about our children. Taara? You want me to leave him? Anyone who dares to speak against our twins? I am ready to torture them Taara. So don't even think? I am going to be lenient on him,” His words were fierce. His eyes were fierce. Those red eyes, I had seen many times before were there, before me.

And I knew what he did.
In the last few months, I had seen them soft, I had seen him nice. But whoever and whatever was him before me was disruptive.

He saw my face, and my eyes and let go of the crying and struggling man's neck, his hand slid down while he turned to face me. “Daiwik, take this man to the warehouse. Taara doesn't need to see it,” Abhiraj said clearly with his red eyes turning more calm. The facade in him turned soothing.

I am crazy to want to hug him when I have hurt him, but I am even mad that I wanted to hug him when he was disruptive.

I shook my head, but,
His eyes were questioning me something, unsure of what the translation was, I felt more illiterate than before.

Daiwik appeared behind Abhiraj and pulled the man away. Abhiraj held the shoulder of that doctor still looking at me. And finally dropped his eyes and towards the doctor he held the scalpel and pulled it out of the doctor's mouth in one swipe. His loud voice rang in the room, his begging to whoever for feeling slighter despair was not answered. And he kept crying.

But Abhiraj held his mouth under his clutch before he was interrogated. “What did you want to discuss about Taara's bedrest?” He asked the crying man.

Even in this situation, the doctor fumbled, “Please...” He begged Abhiraj.

Abhiraj pushed his finger towards me, “The woman you disdained with your filthy words still asked me for your release? And if you want that? Speak your words, and later rub your nose against her feet. I will let you go.” Abhiraj called his conviction.

The man fumbled and cried in a low low-pitched voice before he spoke my new prescription as a pregnant woman, one that forced me to remain in my bed on a complete bed rest and my movements to be as minimal as possible.

Abhiraj left his mouth and the man turned towards me, steering me while he fell on his knees, begging me. I watched his dismissal, what Abhiraj created before I bent forward.
“If my husband lets you have a next time to attend any patience? Just see them as one.” I said and let Daiwik drag him away. “And Daiwik throw every single maid in the haveli in our warehouse. Their death is calling them,” Abhiraj announced.

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