19. Aabshaar

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The way life has taken turns for me is laughable. Because of the Muqda who appeared in my life, I intended to watch her break, and this Taara? She is broken and nothing has left the impact of feeling shattered more to Abhiraj Agnivanshi than watching her in pieces.

Her hatred towards herself, while she sat before me, manipulated me into admitting that I only second look to her for nothing less than her past.
My anger towards her escalated more.

My gun pointed towards Taara, for calling herself a whore, she stood and stepped towards me, held the gun's edge and raising my hand towards her forehead, kept it in the centre, closing her eyes.
“Promise to erase me, Abhiraj. I will give birth and vanish, destroy my name from my children's existence. Eliminate that they ever had a mother. I can live being called a whore, Abhiraj. But my kids being called children of one? I would veneer massacre on the floor of Chandravanipur with the blood of those taunts and names.” I warned him.

“The kingdom you have vowed to protect? As their saviour and protector? The politician? Your wife would become the disruption of that kingdom. And lives of thousand recalls worse than sacrificing the life of one?”

I stood on my feet, extended my hands towards the other side of my pocket removed the second gun, I had carried, pushed it towards her free hand and handed her, sliding it between her fingers and bringing her palm to hold it tightly, “Okay, lay the lives of thousands on the floor, Taara. I will support you.” I spat,
“Death of thousands is easier to bear than to foster yours.” I confirmed my words.

And taking a step towards her, one after another, her head being pushed with the tip of a gun pinning on her head, she sat back down on the hospital bed, “And won't worry about kids, Taara. They are bred by your and my blood. Just wait. When they are born? Not just me, even they would be held the revolver against mouth, that spill ill of you. Don't trust yourself, don't love yourself, live in the dark disaster. Wait and watch, not me. But your children will be your light. Give yourself, the chance to be a mother Taara. And if you still feel like a fail? I would throw you outside of the door myself.”


I sat inside the room, my back aching from the continuous bed rest from last week, I held myself closer to the pillow, resting my head. “Sahiba?” I heard the knock on the door, and a scream of a woman rang in the air, while I sat up, “Yes?” I asked, looking towards the window, while Daiwik entered with blood on his shirt. His hand had splatters, and I narrowed my eyes.

“Daiwik! Are you hurt?" I wanted to raise myself on my feet, and I faced him, sitting straight, when he shook his head. “No, I am fine!”

I narrowed my eyes, what was happening? Where did that scream come from? And why is Daiwik not looking worried?

From last week, things have been subtle and simple, I was discharged from the hospital, and Abhiraj has been occupied with his work, and completely busy handling the chaos.
“Babasaheb asked for you downstairs,” He asked me and I narrowed my eyes. Abhiraj has been highly careful with me. Doesn't even let me stand or walk more than going to the bathroom. I pushed my feet outside, and Daiwik urged me to hold me but his hand was bloody so he stopped, though I slid my hand and didn't care about that blood.

Because surely it is in his hand, but it is extorted by Abhiraj.
With his support, I stepped downstairs on the stairs and entered the huge anteroom, I froze. All the old servants were sitting on the floor and two men were bleeding in the corner, Abhiraj standing over one man, and his hand was bloody, a few drops of blood on his kurta, and wiping the blood from his hand on the white handkerchief.

Given As Gift [Trilogy #3] (Abhiraj and Taara) Where stories live. Discover now