Mess around and find out- Louis one shot

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childs POV: I sat in the backseat fumbling with my new swimsuit grandma gave me.

  ''Daddy please I dont want to go!''

  Daddy sighed at me ''You have to go I thought you love swimming .'' Gosh he isnt even listening swimming is tiring, scary and stupid. 

  He unbuckled me out of my car seat , he put me down me tugging on his hands as we walked to the pool.

  ''Daddy swimming is stupid come on!''

  ''Neither do I!'' My brother pipped in .

Louis POV: My children are lovely but a bit irrrataing they know they have swimming lessons and its only once every two weeks . My youngest who is six doesnt even want to swim in her own swim class she wanted to be with her older brother. The pool staff made an exception for her to swim with her brother. I dont know why she was anxious, I mean her brother is now in the water with her. She got into the pool and was told to hold on to the side of the pool. I sat on a chair on the pool deck watching them.

  There was about six or seven other kids swimming with them. The swim instructor guy most defiently looked like a surfer dude who problay smokes on the side, he was taking turn with the kids and returning them back to the wall. I watched my son doing his  swimming turn with the dude. My daughter was becoming wiggly and impatient classic behavior of hers while waiting for her turn. So she started taking her hand on and off the ledge. The instructor was taking kids swimming them out and back. 

 I noticed whenever he would take a kid he would be talking a great deal to the other teen swim instructor- classic teenagers. My eyes went back to the ledge my daughters hands were off the wall doing his heart attack inducing game - It was then that I didnt see her tiny hand come back up and reach it. I sprang out of my seat putting my entire arm in yanking her out.

   ''SHE CANT TOUCH THE FOOKIN BOTTOM!!!!!!!!!'' I saw the look of terror in his eyes how dare his eyes constantly go off from the ledge where the other children were , so neglective.

  ''Oh my sir, I'm so sorry sure is she ok?!''

  ''Its your job to teach and be a lifeguard not eyeing your next girlfriend  you loser!''

  My daughter was on the pool deck coughing up water and crying .

    ''Do you think she needs CPR?''

  My anger was becoming more and more prevalent 

    ''She is breathing , if you cant handle the responsibility of having seven prescious lives in your hand go fuck off and find another job and NO she doesn't need CPR thats the last thing all of us wants!''

   I took my children with me the walk to the car was awful . I buckled my son in then my daughters'

      My daughter shrieked ''What , what honey?'' I looked down it was the damn seat belt they conduct heat like there is no tomorrows.

    That day must defienlty sucked donkey but theres nothing ice cream cant fix...... well maybe it can't fix some things

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