Beach House Rescue- Harry Long shot

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I was hating high school, it sucks and its nothing like the movies. I have a friend her name is Katie we aren't best friends but we are close shes only 15 already has a car AND a cute boyfriend I'm kind of jealous of. I then heard my doorbell ring - it was Katie.

  ''Oh uh Hi Katie!''

''HII!'' She said all hyper brining me in for a hug.

  ''Sorry this is so short notice, but I have news.''

''Wait Katie!'' I interupreted, ''I never told you where I live how did you get my address?''

  ''Simple, I took a picture of your mom's liscne plate since she drives you to school, put that into google found her name who shes marriedd to her kids and home address.''

My eyes widened

  ''Oh damn that is crazy, what is the news?''

  ''You know what I have something in my car you will love it just follow me.'' I was puzzled but I followed her to her car that her boyfriend Devon drives. I got in her car and she motioned for me to sit down then I heard two other doors shut, I got spooked out when I heard the word DRIVE.

  I was about to unbuckle my seatbelt when she clamped her hand over mine.

  ''Hey, you are safe.'' She said patting my arm.

''Since you are in your depression era Devon and I will take you to the beach. Oh and dont worry I have some stuff for you because currently you smell like stale sweat.''

Gee thanks I dont think an ''Eeyore Era'' is the right saying what kind of ''era'' gets you ''special'' help in a hospital for 30 days?

 ''Katie, I appreciate that but I dont like the beach I get stressed there and I never really had pleasant memories there, plus I won't know like anyone.''

''It's going to be fine, now please wear this.''

''Now?'' I questioned

''Yes right now.'' She handed me a bikini top that I put on and shimmied some black shorts on.

  ''So Devon apparently you own this beach house right?''

''HAHhah straight up.'' He replied. I think Devon is definetly blazed. Katie fixed my ''rats nest'' in the car, Devon said we were almost there that sounded good to me as it was getting pretty dark outside. Katie pulled out a perfume bottle.

  ''You said you wanted to meet and make more friends right?'' I nodded She started spraying a jacket with this spray.

  'Okay great.''

''What are you spraying on your jacket?''

''Well, its going to be actually yours and this is called pheromone spray I read in a magazine that if you wear this it drives guys mad, they will just gravitate towards you.'' Katie then pulled out her phone taking a selfie then posting that on every social media imaginable.

''We are going to have so much fun tonight!'' She squealed, ''Devon how does she look?''

Katie turned my body so I was facing him.

  ''HAHhahah Smash.'' I couldn't help but turn and laugh with Katie.

  Finally we got inside the beach house and saying it was packed was an understatement. I could already smell the stench of weed in the air YUCK. 

 Katie grabbed my hand ''Oh and if you get stressed out downstairs is a locked bedroom the key is taped under the mailbox.'' I had a feeling Katie might leave me and go wander off throughout the nice I mean she's the one wearing the worlds tightest dress while she dressed me in well beach attire I don't know I'm no fashionista. At the party not even five minuets since walking in she instantly became a social butterfly hugging and kissing on everyone. She just loves the spotlight its like crack coacine to her.

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