Christmas Eve's Greatest Surprise- Louis One shot

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  I put the cake down on the counter. It was the very first thing I wanted to do when Louis and I arrived today in Doncaster I mean it was basically the first thing I did when we got off the plane because it's Louis birthday of course.

''Damn it I need to get ice cream Louis!''

''No no it is all okay.''

''No Louis I mean it wouldn't be a birthday without ice cream plus let me spoil you on your day.''

I drove to the store and got out of the car. It is so weird driving in a whole new country, I'm quite used to the steering wheel being where it ought to be on the left side. I got out of the car all I needed was ice cream and oh yeah candles ! This is my second time in Doncaster so I'm slowly starting to become more familiar with the place. The last time I went was our wedding here. We also celebrated it in America.

I walked inside and picked up some candles and vanilla ice cream. When I decided to just look up and down the store aisles it was pretty empty in that store as it was Christmas Eve everyone was busy. When a beautiful crib caught my eyes I honed in towards it and looked at in and before I knew it I was in the baby section of the store.My eyes spun around the place to the itty bitty baby onesies oh were they adorable the one i was looking at at an embroidered bear in the corner and the one to my right had a baby deer with a bow on it.My heart felt like it was melting right then and there.

''Are you expecting? A young woman said to me that she had a very full cart.

''Oh uh no.'' I said putting the onesie back on its hanger.

The lady passed on and I stood there thinking.Do i look fat? I'm a virgin, there is no way I can get pregnant . Wait, I'm married, I'm not a virgin anymore.

I knew this was probably me delusional thinking but it wouldn't hurt to feed into it right? I strolled down another aisle and tossed in a box. I added three water bottles into the cart, checked out and headed home.

I got home and quickly put the ice cream in the freezer and ran into the bathroom because I really really gotta pee. I took the stick out, hoovered and peed. I waited for 30 seconds.


I smirked to myself this is probably expired or a stupid faulty stick I can't be pregnant. I took another out and repeated the process.


Wow, I audibly gasped. ''Oh wow.'' A baby is inside of me like right now? I wish I had another test but I can't believe that I'm in awe. I mean it's not like we were trying to have a kid. I just wonder how Louis would react to this on his birthday. I mean between the two of us he was the most eager to have a kid. It's not like I don't want a kid.

Apparently I was in the bathroom for too long.

''Hey Babe are you okay?''

''Babe?'' I heard from the door.

I threw the tests back in the box

''Come in and close your eyes please!'' i yelled out opening the door knob

He came in his eyes sealed shut.

''You can open it .''

His eyebrows raised, eyes bulged as he took at the two sticks. I exhaled, ''Are you mad?'' I asked gingerly

''Mad no why would I be mad?''

''But it's your birthday.''

''Of course not I mean this is a Christmas gift among Christmas gifts!!'' I saw how bright his face beamed. I just know he will be a top tier dad.

'I started to hug him ''Glad you like the birthday gift.'' I giggled.

''Yessss congratulations we are starting a family!! Can we tell the family Christmas morning.''

I smiled looking up at him

'I'm nervous, are you kind nervous.'' I said in a mixture of pure anxiety and joy.

''Shit I'm going to be a mother.'' Back to being stunned.

He held my hands. ''Yes, you're going to be a mother.'

''Yeah.. Yeah and you're going to be the dad!!'' I held his hands tighter and we started jumping up together.

''And we didn't even try.'' He laughed.

''Your right!!'' I agreed laughing

''I'm so so happy we are having a baby and your carrying it!''

I pulled myself into Louis again, him kissing me.

''You don't care if its boy or girl right/?'' I asked

''No not at all!!''

We were both getting more and more excited feeding off each other's energy.

I felt beyond nervous about having a kid but I mean Louis helped raise all of his siblings so he would basically be the one helping me.

''How about we tell your whole family tomorrow and I'll call my family up yeah?''


We both felt as if we saw a unicorn.

''Oh and we should call the boys too!!'' I squealed

''Yes!!!'' He replied

''Oh and whos going to be the Godparent?''

''Your Chrsitian not Catholic.'' Louis said, making me realize that.

''Okay yeah but still I'm thinking of Zayn or Harry, but they will also be like the fun uncles !!'' I said enthusiastically.

''Niall cant be the Godparent he's extremely fun I know Niall too well I'm nervous he might drop our baby.''

''Ahh true, true!.''

''Wanna go eat my birthday cake and have a double celebration?''

''Oh most certainly Louis!!''

I have no clue how to raise a kid I just know that I need some Faith in the Future

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