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Yoongi was always a very alone type person, he was an introvert,a loner. Maybe that explain the reason what was happening before him brought nothing less than a grimace on his face.

"LET'S GO FUCKING SWIMMINGGGG!!"jin yelled and drag jimin with him into the ocean." YESSSSS!!"hoseok followed, then namjoon along with jungkook.

It was the sunny afternoon that they decided to relax and have some fun in the sun,swimming away in the wavy sea.the beach was occupied,kids,adult,girls in their bikinis roaming around.some surfing some just laying around or just do anything they felt comfortably with.

"I wish I had stayed at home" yoongi mumble with a grimace from where he was seated on the beach bed a big umbrella hiding him from the sun burning glare,the day was very tiring,with them exploring various places was an expectation,they went shopping, then to restaurants and many more places,at the end of the day they decided to go to the beach which yoongi didn't find appealing by the way he hates summer,the place was too hot for him,he prefer winter where he could stay in his comfy bed.

"Babe you aren't coming?" V appeared beside him while taking of his shirt to go join the others,yoongi shook his head."no,I'm comfortably here".

"you sure?" Yoongi nodded.V pecked his lips then went to join the others,yoongi stared at them as they played in the water laughing and enjoying each other presence,he could cleary see how happy they were to unite but yoongi couldn't quite understand what was so fascinating about swimming in the ocean,why get all wet just to dry yourself of again?it was was never his type thing and never would be.

A bag falling beside him startled him.he look up with a scowl to be met by hoseok gorgeous face,smirking down at him,he wanted to grimace but he always remind himself that he's just here for summer not forever so while being here he would try to act nice to his boyfriend crazy friends.

"What did I miss?" hoseok asked taking off his shirt to revealed fresh hickeys along his neck to his chest erea."nothing much I guess"yoongi told with a straight face but in the calmest voice ever.he wasn't in the mood to even put on a fake smile.hoseok hummed.he stared down on yoongi with a smirk,it made yoongi grimace."why are you hiding that sexy body underneath those useless clothes sweetheart?"hoseok cocked his head to the side,observing yoongi that had a long sleeve shirt on and black sweatpants,socks and a bucket hat. Yoongi wasn't a fan of showing his body off, he was shy to even look at his naked body in the mirror,the main reason was that he doesn't think that his body is beautiful,he was insicure about his body.he always look down on himself cause no one ever told him that he was beautiful,he himself could bring it,to motivate himself,that's why he always hide his body.

"my body is not beautiful"he mumble looking down at his pale skin.hoseok stared at yoongi.frowning but he didn't pressure the matter further he excused himself and ran into the water,joining the others.

Yoongi steadily moved his hand along his skin examing it,he hated it.with a soft sigh he look up a soft smile adoring his face as he saw his boyfriend having the time of his life.Tae had a breathtaking smile on his face while he played with the made yoongi happy cause at least one of them was having a good time.

In the crook oh his eyes caught a sight of hoseok and a girl eating each other face out in the water,his smile instantly droppes.hoseok hands was rooming all over the girl body and the girl let him to do anything he wanted." Disgusting "yoongi mumble with a grimace then looked away.


The sun soon went to take a nap and they decided to head home.they all felt exhausted even yoongi that had literally never left his sun bed was feeling exhausted.

When they reach the house every body departed to their rooms.yoongi was the first to take a bath while taehyung waited.after he was done he put his pyjamas on and jumped into bed.too tired to even get dinner.he just desired sleep but as always luck was never on his side." Yoongi!"yoongi squinted one eyes open,he almost screamed,being met by Taehyung dressing like he was in a cult wasn't what he expected to see on this lovely evening."Tae don't scare me like that!"yoongi said,frowning.Taehyung chuckle,turning around 360 degrees for yoongi."cool right?"yoongi stared at him,questionably. "Tae why are you dressed like you're in a cult?" V rolled his eyes."where having a meeting and you are the main event my love"yoongi stared at Tae for a moment then he groan.what was wrong with this people?wasn't they all exhausted?yoongi thought,they would all just go to sleep peacefully, so what is this change of plan?.

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