Kim Gyuvin

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When Yujin first joined the agency, he didn't think he would make friends so quickly. Little did he know, he wasn't just making friends - Kim Gyuvin, a guy three years older and at least three heads taller, practically adopted him. Yujin couldn't decide if Gyuvin would be the death of him or the best thing that has ever happened to him.

Boy, was he wrong.

Yujin, however, didn't mind the attention. While he expected to be doted on initially, he also had a feeling that it would calm down sooner rather than later.

He was wrong - again.

The care and protection from Gyuvin only intensified, becoming a constant presence in Yujin's life. Yet, Yujin found himself appreciating Gyuvin's overprotective nature. There was the time Gyuvin stayed up all night supporting Yujin while he was perfecting a difficult dance routine, sacrificing his own sleep for Yujin's success. And then there was the day Gyuvin surprised Yujin with his favorite snacks after a particularly exhausting practice session, simply because he noticed Yujin seemed a bit down.

In moments where people threw unexpected questions or made remarks that left Yujin at a loss for words, Gyuvin effortlessly stepped in like a guardian angel. Whether it was gracefully redirecting the conversation away from sensitive topics or skillfully making it come to a close, Gyuvin's social finesse became Yujin's safety net.

There were instances when Yujin found himself marveling at how Gyuvin seemed to know him better than he knew himself. Gyuvin could predict Yujin's preferences, quirks, and even his moods with an uncanny accuracy. When someone asked about Yujin's favorite food, it was Gyuvin who chimed in with the answer before Yujin could recall it. It was as if Gyuvin had an instinctual understanding of Yujin's thoughts and feelings, turning their friendship into something bordering on telepathic.

Yujin couldn't help but feel grateful for Gyuvin's intuition. It made the chaotic world of training and going through difficult times on the show more manageable. Gyuvin's watchful eye protected not just Yujin's image but also his peace of mind. In those moments, Yujin realized that their connection transcended the boundaries of conventional friendships, evolving into a bond where Gyuvin understood Yujin in ways he was still discovering himself.

As the spotlight shone brighter on their Kpop journey, Yujin cherished the presence of his older "brother" who not only shared the stage with him but also navigated the intricacies of life with him, effortlessly filling in the gaps and creating a harmony that echoed beyond the beats of their music.


During Boys Planet, where Yujin and Gyuvin often found themselves on different teams, Gyuvin's unwavering support persisted. It didn't matter if they weren't in the same group because Gyuvin always managed to seek out Yujin in the shared dorms. No matter how discreet Yujin tried to be about his challenges, Gyuvin had a way of finding him.

Upon entering the dorms, Gyuvin's first instinct was to engulf Yujin in a comforting embrace, his words dripping with affection.

"Hey, you did amazing today," he would say as well as "Ahhh, my pretty Yujinie!", the words carrying a warmth that sought to uplift Yujin's spirits. However, as the survival show progressed, Yujin couldn't help but find Gyuvin's constant reassurances a bit annoying.

In Yujin's mind, he had grown older and more experienced since the days of their traineehood. The 13-year-old boy that Gyuvin had once taken under his wing was now navigating the complexities of the survival show as a seasoned performer. Yujin couldn't shake the feeling that Gyuvin still saw him through the lens of that younger self, and it grated on him.

Despite Yujin's attempts to resist, he found himself letting Gyuvin's affectionate gestures happen anyway. There was a strange comfort in the familiarity of Gyuvin's hugs, even if they occasionally grated on Yujin's nerves. So in the end, it became a routine.

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