Rimuru has joined the party!

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Currently, aether and paimon are cleaning up some hilichurl camps. most of it is done by aether:^

Aether: waaaaaa... I'm so tired!

Paimon: how about we take a break after this? paimon is hungry!

Aether: *sighs* what did you do beside eating?

Paimon: ehehehehe...

paimon and aether then returned to mondstadt, and called it a day.

When the two of them arrived at the gate, there was a commotion.

A boy with silver-blue hair was arguing with the guards.

???: Like I said, I don't have that thing you call an ID pass!

Guard: I'm sorry, but without it you can't get into Mondstadt. That's the rule, Miss.

???: for fxck sake! I'm not a girl!

Paimon: hey lawrence! what's going on?

Lawrence: ohhh! paimon and traveler! ehmm... you see, this lady-I mean mister here doesn't have an ID pass.

The boy then looked behind to see who the traveler was.

Once he saw aether, a mixture of confusion and surprise graced his face.

???: he reminds me of her

???: ahh, hello. my name is Rimuru! and as you can see here... I don't have ID pass *smile wryly*

Aether: *nods* Lawrence... I'll take care of the rest.

Lawrence: Alright... if you say so. If anything happens then you will take responsibility.

While nodding his heads, Paimon, Aether and Rimuru entered Mondstadt, the city of freedom.


Paimon: heeeee, so you are a traveler like aether, huh?

Rimuru: *chuckle* Yeah... I like traveling around teyvat, you know?

Aether: So where are you from, rimuru?

Rimuru: *smile playfully* is that what you ask to a stranger when you first meet?

Aether: Well...

Paimon: rimuru, besides being a traveler, what do you do?

Rimuru: hmm... probably cleaning up some hilichurl camps, and beating up treasure hoarders.

Paimon: hohooo!

Aether: By the way...

Rimuru: Yes?

Aether: What brings you here, to mondstadt?

Rimuru: I heard that this is the city of freedom. I wanted to know how "free" it is... that's all.

Paimon: umu... so, what are you going to do next?

Rimuru was silent for a moment.

Rimuru: Do you mind if I come along?

he asked with a "say please" look on his face.

Paimon: hmm... paimon doesn't see any problem. what about you, aether?

Aether: Why not? The more the better! *smiles*

And so their adventure begins. I wonder what kind of obstacles they'll face... it's really worth watchi-ahem!


A starry night slowly covered teyvat.

The street lights are on, and some bars are already open, ready to welcome their guests.

At this moment, on the balcony stood Rimuru looking up at the sky.

after he joined aether party, the first thing he did was find a place to sleep. hearing what paimon said, the two of them always set up camp outside Mondstadt due to lack of Mora.

At least, this is what he can do for them. Sharing the same happiness, and sadness.

Rimuru: The sky is very beautiful, isn't it, ciel?

Ciel: Is that so? Well, to begin with, it's yours... you can do whatever you want.

Rimuru: *laughs* Having just one country it's already pain in the ass, let alone the whole world.

Ciel: But that's the truth, master. Because that chess piece-like has a Turn Null and in addition, this Turn Null affects the concept of this world itself, turning it into a sort of parallel existence of yours!

Rimuru: ughhh alright alright! You don't have to remind me every time, geez! *frowns*

Ciel: ...heh

Rimuru: By the way... any reports?

Ciel: No.

Rimuru: Are you sure?

Ciel: ......yes

Rimuru: Well, if you say so.

Rimuru then proceeded to rest and end the day.

While walking towards his own room, Rimuru glanced at Aether and Paimon's room.

Rimuru: *peeps* well... look at them *laughs* aren't they so cute?

What Rimuru saw was Aether sleeping with Paimon...

or rather, paimon that became a cuddle pillow :^

Without realizing it, the night slowly ended.

The sun was setting, slowly shining into their room through the window.


Rimuru: So, what are we going to do? Do you have a plan?

Aether: hm. my goal is still the same. find my sister.

Aether replied and a nod from Paimon.

Rimuru: I see. Then so be it *smile*

As they returned to their main objective, a boy in green was seen in the distance.

???: how long has it been since the war, huh? people here probably don't need god anymore. *laughs* freedom, hm...



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