Didn't Know I was Lonely Til I Sensed You [Sterek]

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Stiles lived in Poland with his family. It was the only home he had ever known and he had no plans to leave. It was as he was walking home from the bar where he worked that the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and his spark flared to life. "I'd think very carefully about your next move, wolf."

"I'm not a threat to you. I—"

Stiles scoffed. "It's not wise to corner a magic user. Making one of us feel threatened guarantees that we'll lash out!"

He spun around and flung his magic at the predator, freezing when his magic also formed a shield around the man. "What?"

The man watched him and quirked a brow. "Your magic won't let you hurt me. I wonder what that means."

Stiles sneered. "Nothing. It just means that I don't truly view you as a threat."

The man chuckled deeply. "Och mały króliku. Nie mam zamiaru cię skrzywdzić, pomimo tego, jak apetycznie wyglądasz. Czy naprawdę się mnie nie boisz?

Stiles's heart pounded and his knees felt weak. "Mówisz doskonale, ale nie jesteś stąd. Czy władasz biegle językiem polskim?

"Masz rację. Nie jestem stąd. Zostałem tu przyciągnięty. Tak. Biegle posługuję się językiem polskim."

"Drawn here how? By what?"

The man stepped closer, his lips hovering by Stiles's ear. "Isn't it obvious?"

Stiles vigorously shook his head, his breath hitching. "No?"

The man offered a soft smile. "You."

Stiles felt like he had been sucked into a black hole and well he had no complaints as evidenced by the end result of him in bed with the wolf, both of them fully satiated.

"I sensed you. There was a longing that I couldn't explain. I was lonely."

Derek smiled wryly. "As was I. It wasn't easy to leave home but at the same time it was as easy as breathing. There's nothing for me at home now, and with a crazy ex standing trial..." he trailed off.

Stiles was able to read the wolf's aura easily and felt brave enough to make an offer. "Derek?"

"Mm?" the wolf murmured, nosing at the spark's neck.

"You can stay here."


"Yes. W-With me."

"With you?"

Stiles took a deep breath to steel himself in case Derek said no but persevered with his offer. "Yes. Stay here with me." Derek didn't reply and first and Stiles started to feel nervous. He quickly added, "You don't have to but I..." Stiles trailed off and then cleared his throat. He knew he could do this. He was a spark damn it. "I-I don't want you to leave."

Derek stilled, the words finally breaking through the scent fog of mate that he had been basking in and he pulled back to meet Stiles's earnest expression, the amber eyes full of hope. "Are you sure?"

Stiles smiled and softly said, "Stay?"

Derek smiled and gently kissed those perfect pink lips. "Yes."

"Really?" Stiles breathed, his heart racing. Was this really happening? Was he finally going to stop believing he'd be alone forever?

Before his mind managed to wander too far, Derek cupped his jaw and rested their foreheads together. "There's nowhere else I want to be."


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Polish Translations:

▸ Och mały króliku. Nie mam zamiaru cię skrzywdzić, pomimo tego, jak apetycznie wyglądasz. Czy naprawdę się mnie nie boisz?

▸ Oh little rabbit. I have no intention of harming you despite how delicious you look. Are you truly not afraid of me?

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▸ Mówisz doskonale, ale nie jesteś stąd. Czy władasz biegle językiem polskim?

▸ You speak perfectly but you're not from here. Are you fluent in Polish?

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▸ Masz rację. Nie jestem stąd. Zostałem tu przyciągnięty. Tak. Biegle posługuję się językiem polskim.

▸ You're correct. I'm not from here. I was drawn here. Yes. I'm fluent in Polish.

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