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Louise began to cough sporadically, choking on the Coca-Cola she'd been sipping as she scrolled through her feed.

"Sorry, ehn. Calm down. What happened? This is why our parents always restrict phones when we are eating," Kiki said, looking at her roommate in concern.

"I'm fine," Louise croaked out miserably.
In her mind, she wailed, "I'm not fine one bit. I want to knock some sense into this dude's skull."

Her eyes went back to her screen and she felt faint. The truth was, her mind couldn't comprehend this absurd thing she had seen.

Aunt Josephine had helped her handle the Plagiariser case with professionalism.
It's been over a month and now, she had migrated from social media platforms to writing her stories on her fully-sponsored and properly-encrypted blog such that no one can copy text from the site.

The story was progressing steadily. So far she had written about 32 chapters and people were eager for more.
However, as exams were fast approaching, she wanted to do concrete study which was why she had followed her roomie for a TDB (till-day-break) reading session.

The multiple spam comments from her latest reader horrified her.

The person had taken his time to spam every single one of her stories with obscene emojis and vituperative comments that would make anyone cringe.

"You are anti-Christ! Going against the love that your Jesus supposedly propagated. Some love! How can you discriminate against a set of people because they don't follow your beliefs? I identify as queer and nowhere does the Bible say that because of my sexuality I won't get to heaven..."

Louise wondered why it seemed she was experiencing so much antagonism lately. It seemed the more she tried to make people see the truth through her stories, the more the devil was bent on frustrating her.

What had happened was that, in her story, the main character had grazed the sensitive matter of the LGBTQIA+ saga, addressing it as a sin.
That was why this individual was enraged.

There was one time a Buddhist had stumbled across her site because of the traffic influx and began to talk about strange practices.
She had to politely delete all the messages and preach to the person in her DM.

To be honest, she understood. Her other two roomies were closed up to Jesus and she was burdened for their salvation but it seemed they wouldn't budge.

Her morale was dampened but as usual, she didn't allow her to weigh her down for too long.

That night, she poured all her burdens at the feet of Him who had sent her the assignment.

"Pray for them. The message is beginning to hit sore spots. My light has shined on the nakedness and they, loving the darkness more than the light, have decided to lash back at you. Pray that their mind will be opened to receive the truth," the Holy Spirit said.

She sighed heavily.
How much more can a girl take?

"My grace is sufficient for you. This is what I have called you for."


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