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Louise had been asleep on the cold tiled floor of her room for God knew how long.

There was a throbbing at the back of her neck and when she heaved herself up, she turned her neck sideways to loosen the stiffness she felt there.

Her eyes wearily scanned the room until a mild frown grazed her forehead.

"Where am I?"

No, this wasn't her room where she had fallen asleep in while praying the prayers of re-consecration.
The place where she saw herself on the floor bore an uncanny resemblance to a football field, though it was more vibrant, like no field she had ever seen on earth.

Louise had never had a definite massive supernatural experience, till now. Even her Holy Ghost baptism had been gentle, soft, accompanied by tears of joy as the Spirit filled her.
Occasionally, she had dreams, but that was just about it.

Somewhere at the back of her mind, she sensed that she was in a vision, one that would change the trajectory of her life forever.

Perplexed by where she was, she stood and scanned the large area. No human was in sight. It was a bleak landscape but she wasn't terrified.

"Hello?" Her voice echoed as if she was in an atrium. "Anybody here?"

She wandered silently for a while. In her mind, she thought, "Lord, where am I and what am I doing here?"

Suddenly, a bright light erupted from a distance and zapped towards her at a speed faster than that of lightning.

She was dazed and had to squint her eyes when the light stopped right in front of her.

The light dimmed and Louise could make out a humanoid form. Was that an outline of wings behind whoever this was?

Her heart began to palpitate.

"Fear not, daughter of the King," the voice was masculine but had a soft octave that melted away all her reservations and fears.

"I- I-" she spluttered. "Who- wait, um..."

She could feel his amused smile. Somehow, she suddenly had a knowing that this angel had always been with her from day one of her life. A feeling of familiarity settled inside her.

"I'm  honoured to deliver this message to you." He revealed a golden scroll with a wave of his hand. Louis had that same knowledge that this angel was officially a scribe and messenger angel, in the order of Archangel  Gabriel in the Bible.

"Louise Iyioluwa, hear the word of the Lord. 'The devil sought to have you but mercy said no. I have chosen you to spread my word using a medium I laid as a pattern—stories. With the sword I place in your hand, I will tear in pieces nations. I will deliver my captive sons and daughters. What you write will not be your imagination, but my words for specific groups of people. You will suffer many things but also gain many things for my sake.'"

He paused and looked into her eyes with a piercing gaze. Louise could hardly breathe. She was still trying to wrap her head around the gravity of the message that the angel had delivered to her in such a spectacular fashion.

"That which you have heard of the Truth, write!" he said in conclusion. The sound came out strong, as though many people were speaking at once.

Out of curiosity, she glanced around her and noticed that a spectators' arena had appeared from nowhere and in each seat were people in white.
She automatically knew that they were saints, clouds of witnesses, men and women who had also been scribes of the Lord.

With that, the angel stretched out a lighted hand and touched her palm. A warm sensation that rose to a fiery hot crescendo engulfed her hand.
It was painful, but yet delicious at the same time. Before her very eyes, she watched as her hand took the same lighted form. It became like glowing coals. The intensity wacked through her body and she passed out.

When she opened her eyes, she was still on the floor of her room. It was nighttime. She was slightly surprised that her mom had not come to interrupt her time of solitude with demands that she come to assist in making dinner.
Her body was still tingling from the after-effects of her encounter. She didn't even have the words to use to thank God for the experience so she plunged into a session of intense tongues for over an hour extra.

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