Chapter One: Grandeur Sights

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It was nothing like I'd ever dreamed of. Rozelle Del Isles, home of the most eccentric and pocket filled bronze hotties of the era. The town is littered with faces I'd never imagined to see on my way here, including tons of celebrities trying to pry the eyes of the public away from them. It truly was like those places you'd see in movies, a place to get away as a fantasy world to drown yourself in it's luxuries. My name is Wayne, and I struck gold by saving all my life's work opportunity to get away from a life of poverty and dread. Bout time I start leading a life where nobody could stop me, I'd finally start doing what I want!

On the other hand, this place has resorts lined at it's corners. So many businesses eager to swindle tourists into squeezing an extra penny into an ordinary shell or two, unfamiliar that you could just find our luxuries in the land itself. The streets were clean, the sandy beaches shone a pearly glint as it's waters glistened in flourishing shades of jade and crystal blue. Vacation homes littered at the island's base, only accompanied by the many venues of top quality sushi, BBQ and live hosting of all the customs and entertainment. I was invited by a childhood friend of mine, her and a new posse of folks were willing to meet me by the port but my phone has been dead for a few hours now.

Wayne looked at his phone, a blank screen was all that he could glean from it. Shaking his head, he decided to have a bit of a walk around to familiarize himself with the area. Upon entering a busy street-side, lots of walkers were commuting back and forth from the beach to the bar that was being hosted straight ahead. Wayne took a whiff of the air around him, the smell of salty beach and freshly cooked meat invading his nostrils. He thought to himself to grab a bite to eat, but remembered he used all his money to get there as he checked his empty wallet. "Bahh, what a sting." he muttered to himself. Suddenly, a dog could be seen rushing through the many crowds of people nearby. A blonde woman in a yellow blouse, black pants and brown sandals shouted over to the dog, a look of distress clouded her face as she pleaded for it. Wayne shuffled back a bit as the dog seemed to approach him, but before he could act it was too late as the tiny but brusque Shiba tackled him. Knocked back and sent on his butt, Wayne chuckled as the Shiba stopped to lick his face playfully. "Hey! Hey, let's call it quits eh? Hahaha." Wayne laughed in excitement as the dog relentlessly showed it's affection to a complete stranger. 

The mysterious woman in yellow approached, releasing a sigh of relief as she picked up her dog from him. "I'm terribly sorry for that, I don't think Marigold has ever jumped at someone like that before. Are you okay?" she said offering a hand to Wayne, his expression changing to a somewhat formal approach as he accepted her help back up. "Uh-right! Yeah no problem, I was just helping out ya?" Wayne responded nervously, shy laughs escaping him from the embarrassment. The woman flipped back her luscious flowing gold hair, holding her dog closely as she looked to Wayne intently. "Well you did me quite the favor, might I treat you to something nice to eat? You look rather thin." she teased at him, looking at his weak posture. Upon observation, Wayne could notice a slight accent in her voice; a distinct french dialect could be picked up in her words, but she spoke eloquently as if she were a native to this island.

Shaking the feeling of nervousness, Wayne dared to not decline her offer and instead considered. "Ah you're most generous, say what did you have in mind? I-uh am not picky. Y'see I'm new to these parts. Can't say I know a well cuisine if it hit me on the face." he said enthused.
"Is that right? Well I was interested in the new walk in bar down by the docks. I've heard they have wonderful smoked salmon you'd die for! Sound like a deal to you, dog whisperer?" the woman asked, a smile stretched on her lips. The two have a bit of a laugh, as their minds carried them into a stroll to the wonderful smells at the pier. 

"So, what's your name? You're probably the first I've met coming here." Wayne asked breaking the small silence between the two as they walked. "My name's Primrose, but you can call me Hash." the woman responded, her eyes fluttering elegantly to his question as she mocked with a small pose. Wayne scoffed a bit with a cheesy smile, entertained by her antics. "And yours? I suppose you won't keep me waiting to know." Hash asked jokingly, her dramatic sarcasm continuing to keep him chuckling. "Heh, I'm Wayne. I don't really have much of a name for myself other than the one I got." he replied. Hash raised a brow to him, the walk slowing a bit as the two locked eye contact. "And what's that supposed to mean?" Hash asked in confusion. Wayne shrugged, looking away a bit. "Ehh, I suppose that does sound a bit stupid. Forgive me on that one." 

Hash extended an arm to pat his shoulder. "Hey, whatever name you feel like making for yourself is all that matters. After all, you attracted my poor little Marigold and she never follows strangers ever. I guess she sees a friend in you?" she carried on, her voice flushing Wayne like a summer's Soliloquy. Flustered, Wayne scratched his head in embarrassment thinking about how easily he got knocked down by such a friendly looking dog. "I guess so, well..looks like we're here!" Wayne said as the two looked up to see the large words plastered on a small hut labeled "Minnow Mates". Hash's eyes lit in an amazed glint as she smiled brightly at the sight of the busy shack. After some time of waiting, the two find seats and their meals were prepared shortly after. Some chatting and a well had meal later, Wayne and Hash were laughing and getting along nicely. "Wait, I didn't know you and your boyfriend owned a business here on Rozelle. And you groom dogs yeah?" Wayne asked in curious excitement. Hash chuckled a little, taking a small sip of her coconut water. "It was afforded to me by some really big names. But thats not all, I'm partnered with those same prominent names too! Ever heard of YungTown?" Hash asked, basking in her praise.

He scratched his chin for a bit, trying to think of what it could be. "Sounds like a clothing store. Yeah?" Wayne said clueless. Hash shook her head, her smile non fading as she pointed across the water at the large resort down the way. "It's the only and largest amusement park and resort known to Del Isles, owned by the popular celebrity Ase Bell! That is if you watch TV of course." she said smugly. Wayne unfortunately had never caught up with the latest celebrities, and cursed his ignorance for all the farm work he did back home. "Well ma'am, I don't believe I know the guy. However, he sounds quite alright." Wayne said trying to be enthused. Hash gave a light shrug and stood from her seat, checking her watch as Marigold slept soundly in her lap. "Oh my! I've got to get home, but it was lovely meeting you sir Wayne. May we meet again!" Hash said jubilantly as she rushed to shake his hand. Wayne nodded, accepting her handshake with his own and by the time he knew it she had disappeared into the late crowd. 

Looking up, it was looking quite late and Wayne didn't even find his friend he was looking to meet until....

"Pent, I was wondering where you'd wandered off to. Thankfully you'd not gone far, your ride decided to come back and see where your noggin ran to." a voice had said behind him, their voice soft and cheery. Turning around, Wayne saw that it was his chauffer Albert, a pale short man who gave off a rather cheery atmosphere about him; his glossy clean captain's hat and floral shirt struck out amongst his normal chauffeur attire, almost as if he were a tourist. Vain's small stout-like body stood proudly in place. "We gotta head to the hotel soon. Meet me at the car." Albert said briefly with Wayne following suit shortly after. In the car Wayne looked out the window to take in all the sights of the inner city streets. Palm trees littered across the greenery, accompanied by the glistening sky of stars and flickering adverts of the venue billboards. Not far from them, the car pulls up to a large building and Albert takes a stop at the lobby entrance. 

"Your belongings are already inside, fifth floor at room 777." Albert says handing Wayne a keycard from his pocket. Wayne takes it, gazing deeply at the shiny blue exterior of his new card. "I mean they didn't have to try, but they sure did." he said to himself. "Alright, thanks again Al! Be seein' you?"

"All the time." Albert responded, impersonating Wayne's way of speaking. The two have a chuckle and Wayne sets off, heading into the building excited to know what his room would be like. Was this going to be a blast or a feverish nightmare? He couldn't really tell himself, but all he could be reminded of was all the paradise that surrounded him. He barely had much to his name, but for all his father afforded to him he was willing to make something of it at least. For Wayne, this was the start of something new, and he was going to be ready. Inside the lobby, it was rather vacant but using his eyes he could spot the nearest elevator not too far down a path into the hallway. The floors were nice and firm, red carpet stretching through the entire floor, adorned with silly patterns and the like. After some time navigating the hotel Wayne finally made it to his room, 777 exactly. "Well here she lie, no way to go but in now!" He'd say to himself before the door swung open in front of him. Jumping at the sight of the door seemingly opening by itself, he gave a slight sigh as he looked over only to notice a woman in a bright blue bikini smiling over at him. "Wayne you made it! Sorry to spook you, how was the trip?" she would say kindly to him, her slick black hair still damp from wherever she had been. "Hey Slink, heh it's all good. Say, how'd you get in my room?" he replied, confused by her well-timed entrance.

"Albert let me in, but I brought over some new friends you'd like to meet. Though you never answered any of my calls!" Slinky said sternly, crossing her arms into a small pout. Wayne embarrassingly rubbed his neck, a shy smile escaping him. "Ahh sorry about that, phone died on the way and I didn't get much of a chance to charge it. Anywho, mind if I come in?"

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