Chapter 2

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It is Saturday and my mom decided me and her needed to go to the mall. I don't need anything particular but she just wants to get me out of the apartment, so I am coming with her. I might buy coffee or something. The ride was silent. Once there we spilt up and just knew when to meet up and where, unless something changes so we just text or call for that. This mall is massive. The first stores I hit were the clothing ones, just to check, maybe I would find something I like.

I wasn't successful which is good, I do not spend money and I do not actually need anything from there. Walked to the bookstore to browse. I kind of wanted to get a series but they didn't have one of the books I needed, sold out so I was done there. Its been only like thirty minutes but I am already hungry and wanted coffee, turned to the direction of my favorite cafe in the mall. As I walked I stopped and realized who I saw. My ex best friend.

"Dominic?" He stopped and diverted his head towards my direction and his eyes became wide with realization but a big smile spreaded his face. He approached me.

"Hey, Lucas. Its been so long, hasn't it?"

"It has. I thought I would never see you again."

"Same here. Its nice to see you again. Maybe you want to talk and we could go drink coffee while at it?"

"Funny. I was about to go there myself."

"So it is settled then?"

I nodded and we both walked and started to talk a bit. I learned he was going to transfer to my school so I might see him in some of my classes which I was excited for. He has changed quite a lot while I would I didn't. He was more handsome than I remember and my little crush I had before had lifted back up to the surface. This will be hard. We got to the cafe, ordered, waited for our drinks and once received sat down in the cafe area. I tried not to tell him about the bullying, just said I had a hard time making friends which isn't a lie. Dominic seems social just like he used to be. It was nice talking to him again. I think we will be friends or best friends again. Even if he never will like me like I do, friends is enough for me.

"How are your parents doing?"

"They are doing just fine, yours?"

"Same. They are doing good." Dominic answered and then followed to ask.

"Is the school good? Like teachers and people?" People. Funny a few bully me but others do not care.

"Many teachers are nice, some are meh. Students are good. But I guess it is how lucky will you get to be in class with but I have nothing to complain about."

"You do not. Since you are quite I presume."

"Yeah I am."

We talked more. The conversation did divert to the middle school time talk. I avoided talking about the bullying and such. He didn't notice or so I hope he didn't. I tried to make him talk about his life rather than my own. Dominic attempted to make me talk but failed. He might have noticed I wasn't veyr talkative about my past and present really. So we tried to make the topics neutral. He is playing the guitar and sings from time to time. I talked about liking to write poems. We both seem to be creative people which is nice.

He proceeded to to ask me a few more questions regarding school. I try to answer them as best as I could. Dominic was satisfied with my answers. We changed socials and contacts. He had to go and I stayed at cafe for a bit longer and then walk to the area me and my mom had decided to meet up.

I told her about Dominic, she was ecstatic about it. Likely because I will have a friend again. We drove to the grocery shop to buy food for the week. She will definitely ask about what I would like to eat. Which I never know the answer to that.

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