Chapter 22

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Today is a regular Tuesday, school day. I am in my second class of the day, I skip the first one since the teacher told us she wasn't going to be in school, that meant I was able to sleep a bit more. It did make the routine a bit out of place and on the second lesson I felt like I missed out on something, I probably didn't but just felt like I did. The math teacher was explaining the new topic. Thankfully it seems not that hard, so I might get a good grade out of the test this time. The class ended and I walked to the library since I had no class for third lesson. I brought a novel with me to pass the time. It was for my literature class though, I don't like this book but I must read it as the teacher told us. I am like mostly down with the beginning but there are so many pages still left. And it is also a fairly thick one. Send help. Maybe don't, just kidding.

Either way there were no other students expect me and the school's librarian. I did read only half of the time of the lesson, the rest I used by being on my phone. Walked to the cafeteria a bit earlier than the bell would ring. I brought my own food, lasagna that my mom made last night. The bell rang and after a few minutes Dominic walked into the room. He sat down beside me, brought his own food as well this time. We talked, ate. I was actually glad I didn't have two classes today since I wasn't feeling that well, mentally.

"You should upload the song about me on the internet." I said. I have been thinking about that for a bit.


"Maybe something really good will come out of it."

"Ok. So I know where but what could I be named?"

"I mean you could use your real name or something else, I don't know."

"Not helping."

We discussed more on the matter and came to a conclusion that he will use his real name and will upload the song to a specific platform, he knew someone who could help him get a cover photo for the song, he is also considering making a music video or something like that but its not fully decided yet. My boyfriend promised to do it with in two weeks. I think everything will be good. The break was over and we walked to our separate classes, I have two of them and then I am going to the coffee shop, I brought my laptop with me, so I could work on my wiring a bit more.

It was now history and I managed to survive it, a ton of taking notes was happening, I might broken my hand, it hurt very badly after the class was over. The last lesson was music, thankfully we just sang, I am terrible but whatever, at least my hands had a break. Soon enough the bell rang and I walked to my locker to grab my coat and then march to the cafe.

Once I walked in, the smell of coffee and the sound of the coffee machines hit me. I ordered an cold latte, I don't care it is winter. Found a good spot and sat down. Took out my laptop from my backpack, logged in and pulled up my file. Sipped a few times of the coffee before beginning to tap the keyboard and the file filling up with words. Later I organized the words. I was super happy with my progress. Sipped more of my coffee. I might be able to sell an entire small collection of poems in a book one day. Funny enough I quickly realized I haven't eaten in some time, got up and ordered myself a muffin. It was good and I finally even slightly late, still made sure my stomach was taken care off. When I felt like taking a break, I read another chapter of the book and then continued to do work on my laptop.

I did this a few times until I felt like it was enough of both. Finished up my drink and got everything packed back to my backpack and then I walked to the bus stop. Finally got home. Made myself lunch. While eating and being on my phone I got a message. Dominic send me two pictures of the platforms he will post his song, it were the profile pictures, I send him a thumbs up emoji. At least one of us is going with their passion a bit further more. I am proud of him. Can't wait to actually be able to listen to it. After lunch I did read two more chapters of the book, I am slightly behind and need to hurry up, because next week we all must have it all read.

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