Chapter 13

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Its been a bit. Right now I am in class, first one of the day, literature. Today this class is boring for some reason, at least it isn't that bad. I guess we are going through some grammar things and is the reason to being boring, besides I am not the worst at it so I am barely learning anything new. After that I was off to the changing room to prepare for PE. I wish I would be able to skip it but u unfortunately it is not possible. Once changed into the sporty clothing I went on my phone for the remaining time of the break. It wasn't much. Then walked to the inside stadium, gym room, whatever it is called. We waited for the teacher to walk it and when he showed up we were tasked to run around the room, like six or eight laps. I barely can do like six. I didn't run eight but managed to run the six laps. Then we were on our own, I chose to be at the gym equipment our school had. I did the bare minimum and it was enough for me.

The third lesson was math. We had a test. I think I get a lot more test in math than in any other subject. I might have done good, not the best and I am at least expecting the lower grades but I think I did not fail. We will see later, after I get my grade like in a week or something. Then it was lunch time. When I dat down in the cafeteria I got a text message from Dominic saying he won't join me in the cafeteria. Never specified why. But I didn't ask, thought was curious very much. I ate my lunch. It wasn't the best, I had to make it, sandwiches but we barely had any ingredients to make it.

I got bored at the cafeteria after I was done eating. And I wanted to talk with my boyfriend, but where can I find him? I walked through the hallways. And stopped when I was nearing the music room. I heard guitar music coming from there, even someone singing. I instantly recognized the voice and the melody. It had to be him. I slowly opened the door, walked in and saw him with headphones, a guitar in his hands. He was still playing and singing. He had a good voice. Soon Dominic turned and his eyes met mine, for a second he got starled but recovered quickly, stopped playing and removed his headphones from his head.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be eating right now?"

"I felt lonely. I want to talk with you and so I tried to find you. Besides the break is half way over."

"You alright?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Didn't you have any bad thoughts as to why I never explained where I was?"

"Perhaps. Not really."

"I am sorry for not telling you. I forgot to do that. But I promise I was just playing here. Been in need to play the guitar and sing, you know?"

I don't get it. Why would he be sorry for not telling me? He doesn't have to explain where he goes everywhere. Its not like I am controlling him and need to know that at all times. I mean it is nice knowing but not essential. I sat down next to him.

"Oh sorry. If you want I can go and you can continue. Sorry to have disturbed you." I apologized.

"Nah. You can stay. I was finishing up anyway. Help me clean up?"

I nodded. I plugged out some cables he told me to and we both went out of the classroom, he locked it and took the key to the person who is responsible for having the keys in school. The break was about to be over. We walked to our own classrooms. The rest of the school day went by. I had a lot more homework to do than usual, so decided that a study time in a cafe seems like a perfect way to get my things done. It just motivates me to work in there for some reason. Perhaps because my brain is thinking that everyone is watching and so I have to be productive to look cool, something like that.

Walked to the nearest coffee shop nearby the school. Ordered and iced latte and a muffin, I was hungry ok. After getting my drink and food I found a corner to sit at. Barely any people which was awesome. Even if school had finished I did expect more people to be here but so far there aren't. Very good. I took out my first homework I wanted to work on. I got it done and moved on to my next one, while eating my muffin and chugging my coffee. I don't listen to music while I am working on homework or writing, only instrumental and only a few work for me, usually its even more distracting and makes me not want to work. Either way I took a break after doing two class homework. By doing a break I meant going on my phone. Bless the cafe for having internet and not a bad one at that.

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