A thousand ways to call you, but I always call you.

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In a world where couples dive into an ocean of cheesy nicknames like "sweetie" or "pumpkin pie," Tyler and Wednesday stood out as two beacons of originality amidst the darkness of conventionality. Their endearing nicknames, far from the typical displays of affection like "love," "baby," or "honey," were a reflection of their uniqueness and deep connection.
Every time they uttered their nicknames, a storm of curious glances surrounded them. Some, incredulous, thought they were subtly insulting each other, while others, less understanding, considered them strange. Murmurs and laughter behind their backs were a constant echo in their daily life.
Their friends and acquaintances, despite accepting Tyler and Wednesday's peculiarity, couldn't help but be intrigued by the nicknames they shared. It seemed like a secret code, an exclusive language that only they understood. At social gatherings, questions about the origins of their nicknames piled up, but the answers were always evasive, leaving everyone in a state of bewilderment.
For Tyler and Wednesday, those nicknames were much more than mere words. They were a manifestation of their intricate connection, a way to express the chaos and depth of their love. "Cockroach" and "My Monster" were two souls that had found each other amid chaos and had built their own universe, where common words had no place.

1. From Tyler to Wednesday - Cockroach.

The sight that unfolded before Tyler's eyes was simply unbelievable: Wednesday, his beautiful and incredibly intelligent girl, was alive. It was as if he had witnessed a miracle in the midst of darkness. In his mind, Wednesday became a kind of living paradox, a cockroach, but the most precious and valuable cockroach in the whole world.
The blood that bathed her only enhanced her beauty, endowing her with a mysterious and alluring aura. Her disheveled braids, tousled by the situation, gave her a look that Tyler had longed for. He had dreamt of seeing her without braids, thus revealing her essence of a demonic angel, an image he considered the embodiment of sensuality itself.

Wednesday, the survivor, rose as a avenging angel in that moment, ready to mete out justice. For Tyler, it was a deserved punishment for his past actions. However, he couldn't help but think of Laurel, who was still alive and in control. He knew he had to serve that ruthless bitch for the time being, but he had no doubt that his girl, Wednesday, would ultimately end Laurel's miserable existence.
Tyler looked at Wednesday with a mixture of admiration and complicity in his eyes. "You truly are a Cockroach," he murmured in a dark voice, recognizing in that nickname her strength and unwavering determination. He was witnessing a transformation, a metamorphosis in their relationship that would take them to dark and unknown places, but they were willing to face any chaos together.

2. From Wednesday to Tyler - My Loving Monster.

Wednesday's intense gaze was ensnared by Tyler, who had her pinned between the sturdy tree trunk and his imposing body. She had always known he was strong and muscular, his presence always making her feel small in comparison. In others, that sense of inferiority might have been unpleasant, but with Tyler, it was different; somehow, it felt comforting.
His hands, large and powerful, evoked memories of past moments, especially when they had held her in a passionate kiss. At that moment, she appreciated how her fragility contrasted with the strength that emanated from him. Those same hands, if he wished, could snatch her life away in the blink of an eye, but instead, he used them to plead for forgiveness. Tyler begged with a trembling voice and broken words, as if he needed her forgiveness to keep breathing.
Wednesday kept her face hidden in Tyler's neck as he murmured words like, "I'm sorry, my perfect cockroach," and "I didn't mean to hurt you, My little cockroach, forgive me." Each of his apologies resonated in her ears like an intoxicating melody. The way his lips grazed her skin was an exquisite caress, an effect that made her lose herself in indescribable pleasure.
With determination, Wednesday took Tyler's face in her hands and forced him to look at her. She gave him a sweet smile and kissed him gently, almost teasingly brushing her lips provocatively against his. "My Loving Monster, My perfect Loving Monster," she whispered in a soft and seductive voice. He responded by capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, where they merged into a whirlwind of emotions, entangled in a passion that threatened to consume them entirely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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