Ch. 1 - Lost Magic & Time: Tale of Crossing Realities & Unraveled Mysteries

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In the vastness of existence, where countless realms stretched like interlocking spider webs, Y/N was a cosmic traveler, an enigma made of stardust and forgotten spells. With the ability to leap through time and mend the very seams of reality, they danced in the nexus of possibilities. But even within this tapestry of extraordinary adventures, they found a yearning, a quiet voice whispering of something missing, an itch in the soul they couldn't scratch.

And so, in a spontaneous burst of inspiration, Y/N wove their favorite fictional universes into tangible realms. No longer confined to the pixels on a screen or the pages of a book, these fantastical worlds were rendered as vividly as any other realm. It was in one such pocket of created reality—Lebanon, Kansas, to be specific—that Y/N found themselves walking with the Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, along with the fiery sorceress Rowena.

Gone were the scriptwriters and set designers; they were hunting a genuine malevolent spirit. The thrill of the chase surged through them, and the air tinged with the iron scent of danger and the arcane. Each step crunched leaves underfoot as they followed the flickering light of their flashlights through dark, forested paths. And just when they were on the cusp of banishing this entity, disaster struck.

From nowhere and everywhere, a swirling vortex appeared below Y/N, a chaotic amalgamation of light and shadow, like a tear in the very fabric of existence. Their eyes widened in alarm, but before a word could be uttered, they were yanked violently off their feet and into the vortex. The last they saw of Sam, Dean, and Rowena were their shocked faces, rapidly shrinking into mere dots before disappearing altogether.

Tumbling through a whirlwind of kaleidoscopic colors and fractal patterns that seemed to defy the laws of physics and geometry, Y/N finally landed with a thud. The world they were ejected into was lush and green, filled with towering trees and glowing flora. It was beautiful but also incredibly disorienting. Their head throbbed painfully, and their vision hazed over, and a sensation like pins and needles prickled throughout their body.

Disoriented and without recollection of their extraordinary past, Y/N stumbled forward until they collapsed from exhaustion. It was Tissaia de Vries, the formidable Rectoress of Aretuza, who found them. Fascinated by this mysterious stranger, whose aura pulsed with a unique brand of magic, Tissaia took it upon herself to heal them. Her eyes narrowed as she placed her hands over Y/N's temples, her fingers glowing with ethereal light as she channeled her energy to mend their fractured mind and body.

❝Bring them to Aretuza,❞ she ordered her voice a blend of authority and curiosity. Her acolytes nodded, carefully lifting Y/N onto a floating stretcher of woven air and light.

Within the arcane walls of Aretuza, a school for mages that existed in symbiosis with the realm's ambient magic, Y/N became an object of wonder and speculation. With an aptitude for magical disciplines that surpassed even their most gifted peers, they quickly became a subject of awe and a focal point of numerous debates. Was Y/N an archmage from a forgotten realm? A god? Or something even beyond their understanding?

Though they studied diligently, integrating with the magical community, their past remained a nebulous cloud. Memory and knowledge existed in their mind like torn pages from a book—some chapters vivid, others faded or missing entirely. Still, Aretuza became a sanctuary for them, a place where their uncanny abilities found purpose and utility, even if the origin of such powers remained elusive.

Y/N's laughter echoed in the stone corridors, their eyes lit up during arcane experiments, and gracefully, their hands moved as they drew sigils in the air. Yet, amid the camaraderie and intellectual pursuits, there was always a part of them that felt incomplete. Despite not remembering their past, the absence of it weighed on them. There was a locked door within their soul, and they didn't have the key.

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