Chapter 9 - Embracing Destiny's Uncharted Path

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In a dimly lit chamber, Y/N was enveloped by the comforting softness of their bed, their eyes closed in the slumber of night. But even in sleep, their mind was not at rest. Their dreams were vivid, haunted by the ethereal visage of Moiraine Damodred—a woman with striking eyes and an indomitable spirit. The dream was no ordinary reverie; it was a panoramic montage of Moiraine's life, her trials and tribulations, her loss of powers, her triumphant resurgence, and finally, her inexplicable disappearance into a mystical doorway ter'angreal in the city of Cairhien while in fierce combat with the Forsaken Lanfear.

Startled awake, Y/N sat up with a jolt, their breath shallow and erratic. Their eyes widened, painting their face with an expression of deep concern and unmistakable urgency. The palpable tension in the room disturbed the sleep of Rhaenys, who stirred and sat up, her eyebrows narrowing with worry as her hand softly touched Y/N's arm.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Rhaenys questioned, her voice thick with apprehension, captivated by Y/N's eyes which had momentarily taken on a spectral, greyish hue, infused with an otherworldly mist.

At this point, Tissaia also woke up, her eyelids fluttering open as her gaze oscillated between Y/N and Rhaenys. Her eyes locked onto Y/N, intuiting from the alteration in their eye color that something of significance had occurred.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Y/N began recounting their hauntingly vivid dream. "I dreamt of a woman named Moiraine Damodred. She suffered immensely, lost her powers, regained them, and then vanished through a doorway ter'angreal while clashing with Lanfear."

A disquieting silence followed before Rhaenys tightened her grip on Y/N's arm ever so slightly and asked, "Who is Moiraine, and why has this dream distressed you so?"

Tissaia sat upright, her penetrating eyes fixed on Y/N, as she asked, "Y/N, is Moiraine in immediate danger?"

Y/N nodded gravely, their visage solemn. "Yes, I believe she is. The haunting images of her disappearing through that ter'angreal won't leave me. I can't escape the premonition that she's in peril and needs our assistance."

Pondering deeply, Tissaia's eyebrows furrowed. "If this is a prescient dream, then we must act swiftly. Moiraine's life could very well hinge on our actions."

"We won't let her face whatever danger lurks alone," Rhaenys added, her voice filled with resolute determination.

Tissaia's eyes softened as they met Y/N's. "Relay every detail of what you saw in your dream. We need comprehensive understanding if we're to navigate this uncharted terrain."

As Y/N narrated the minutiae of their dream, the room grew thick with a sense of destiny. An invisible thread seemed to pull them together, a bond hardened in the crucible of shared adversity. With a silent but unanimous agreement—Tissaia, Y/N, and Rhaenys recognized a newfound calling—to rescue Moiraine Damodred from whatever grim fate awaited her.

Tissaia sprang to her feet, a picture of focused urgency. She swiftly attired herself and informed Y/N and Rhaenys that she would assemble the others. Before the first light of dawn kissed the horizon, they were already setting forth on this dire quest. Y/N sensed that Moiraine existed within the same realm but was situated at a different locus from where Rhaenys was.

"Should I bring my dragon with us?" Rhaenys inquired, looking at Y/N after she had dressed.

Exchanging a contemplative glance with Rhaenys, Y/N weighed the options carefully. "Bringing your dragon might draw undue attention, especially if stealth and discretion are of the essence. Perhaps it's best if he remains here while we rely on our respective capabilities."

Nodding, Rhaenys conceded, "You have a point. Caution is key, and we shouldn't risk attracting unwanted scrutiny."

Tissaia returned, flanked by others—Ciri, Triss, Yennefer, and Sabrina—each wearing an expression of gravitas mixed with concern. Y/N took this moment to share their dream-inspired revelations and their ensuing plan to save Moiraine. The group was united by the pressing weight of the moment, aware that time was an asset they could ill afford to squander.

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