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Six months later

Light passed through the window of the hospital room, bringing the first feeling of warmth. The sun rays illuminated the space, and mostly the unconscious occupant of the bed.

Eventhough (Y/N) was the only one laying on the bed, that didn't mean she was alone. Kyoya, Ryuga and Tsubasa were occupying different sections of the room, trying to get some sleep. On a chair, a small couch or sometimes even the floor.

Ryuga was the first to wake up. He was considered the morning bird among them, but it seemed like he had become worse this past few months. He lifted his head which had become stiff from the awkard position sleeping on the chair and massaged it a little.

His eyes first landed on the woman on the bed, seeing her perfectly still body. The sound of the machine monitoring her heart was steady, but the beeping sound was enough to drive him crazy.

He sighed and turned his head to look at his two boyfriends sleeping on the couch. Kyoya was in a standing position, while Tsubasa was curled up against his side his arms around his waist. The white haired male, even when they were younger, claimed that he couldn't sleep well if he didn't have anything to hug.

He stood up from his chair and stretched his body, cracks echoing in the room. He really needed a good massage. He moved towards the bathroom to freshen up and once he was ready he exited.

His next stop was her bed. He kneeled at the side and held her hand for a few minutes, sometimes talking to her, sometimes staying silent and watching her face for any signs of improvement. Today was one of those days.

He silently held her hand saying prayers under his breathing before kissing it. He placed a last kiss on her forehead and waited for any reactions. Nothing. Just like the past six months.

He stood up and moved towards the sleeping men and after kissing both their foreheads, he was off to the kitchen to make them something simple to eat because, as embarrassing as it was to admit, he didn't know how to cook.

The stairs towards the kitchen seemed never ending this particular morning. The food took more time to prepare. The coffee tasted way too bitter. The walk back up was too tiring. The weight on his hands from the food too much.

He nudged the door with his foot and entered, leaving the tray on the table. He looked at the clock beside him. Eight o'clock. Time to wake them up. Unfortunately life didn't stop for them.

"Tsubasa, Kyoya. Wake up" He shook them, occasionally petting their head.

Tsubasa was the first to wake up, his eyes opening slowly. Ryuga could see the tiredness in them, the dark circles under his eyes proof of that. He was sure that he looked exactly like this. Like a walking zombie.

Tsubasa was a little disoriented at first, turning his head left and right trying to understand where he was.

"Good morning sunshine"

"Mhhmm.. Good morning" He yawned and stretched, while rubbing his eyes. His eyes were a little foggy but once they cleared up, his gaze fell on her.

"The same?"

"The same. Hyoma should be here soon though. And we really need to get ready"

The doctor would come in and check her everyday around the same time. He monitored her 24/7 and they blindly trusted him. At the moment, she was stable, nothing much going on. Besides, if something happened, he would have bursted through the door already.

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