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Jimin: hyungie... I don't feel like going to classes today... I'm too tired...

Tae: aish. Well, I'm going.

Jimin: you're only going because of that hot chemistry teacher you have.

Tae: well, first of all, he teachers bio chemistry and second of all. Yes, I only go to school just to see his fine self~ mm~ speaking of which, which shirt? This one? Or this one?

Tae pulled out two shirts. Both were of course crop tops but one gave more slutty vibes then the other.

Jimin: hmm. You'll look like a slut in either of them regardless. The first one is cuter.

Tae: perfect! Pink looks amazing on my skin tone~

Jimin: yeah. I know. You look good in everything. Let's hope you get laid~

Tae: ooh god~ I'd wish I get laid by that delicious, sexy, strong man~ just thinking about it makes me want to moan~

Jimin: you're horny. You want him. We get it. You're a hoe.

Tae: you know it~

Jimin: we're you able to sleep last night? Ooh, who am I kidding. You sleep like a fucking baby.

Tae: why?

Jimin: our gay ass neighbors were fucking so loud I couldn't even fucking sleep.

Tae: ooh. Them. Yeah, they're gay as fuck.

Jimin: I'm going to just let it slide. I don't fucking snitch.

Tae: me either. I watch asmr until I'm knocked the fuck out.

Jimin: no you don't. You watch hot Asian men cook shirtless. I caught your gay ass watching it.

Tae: what about it?

Jimin: nothing because I do the same shit.

Tae: see? Normal.

Tae get ready for class. Jimin and Tae walk to their classes. Jimin has chemistry and Tae has bio chem. Tae was the first one in class. his teacher pulled him aside.

Jungkook: Mr. Kim. No crop tops in my class. Remember that rule?

Tae: but the other students get to sense them? Why can't?...

Jungkook sighed. He wanted to say because Taes delicate and small waist distracts him but he stopped himself from saying anything.

Jungkook: just put a jacket on.

Tae: huu... Fine.

Tae out in a jacket. He pouted. He rests his head in the palm of his hand and he started to do his work. Tae kept looking back at Jungkook. He but his bottom lip. He was confused on a question. He raised his head. Jungkook came over to him. Tae started to blush like crazy. Jungkook saw the jacket Tae was sesunf was unzipped. Jungkook made Tae stand.

Jungkook: what did I tell you? Cover yourself up Mr. Kim.

Jungkook zipped up Taes jacket. Tae started to blush.

Jungkook: also, cute butterfly belly button piercing.

Tae: thank you Mr. Jeon.

Jungkook: of course. Now, what was your question?

Tae: I'm confused on what the question is asking. It's asking me what is the enzyme catalyze for the human body. I don't get it.

Jungkook: hmm. So, it means it's reducing the activation energy, thereby increasing the rate of reaction.

Tae: I... I still don't get it sir.

Jungkook: stay after class Taehyung.

Tae gulped. He sat back down. It was getting kind of hit in the classroom so he unzipped the hoodie and he took it off. Just another thirty minutes. He could do it. Jimin on the other hand fell asleep during class. His teacher was a bitch and she whined about every little thing. Jimin couldn't show his belly button because she said that was too gay and she doesn't like belly buttons at all. Jimin still wears what he wants despite the rules.

Ms. Lee: tomorrow you will have a substitute.

Jimin: hmm...

Jimin starts to draw a picture of a random person. His teacher goes over to him.

Ms. Lee: we aren't drawing Jimin.

Jimin: I'm bored as fuck.

Ms. Lee: wby are you even in my class then? Hmm?

Jimin: forced to be in here to become s fucking doctor. I hate humans and I hate your annoying old wrinkly ass. Your breath smells like bound set ass.

Ms. Lee: go to the principals office now!

On the other hand you have Yoongi. He's stalking his enemy. He's getting ready to kill him.

Yoongi: are all my men ready? Are his men down?

Hobi: yup. I found out the code to his large vault. It was filled with children. He planned to sell them.

Yoongi: okay. Where were they all from?

Hobi: orphans. They're sent to a better one since the one they stayed at willingly gave them up for money. What idiots.

Hobi doesn't do cursing. Yoongi would curse every sentence if he could.

Yoongi: fucking piece of shit... Ready?

Hobi: yup. You can attack him now. No cameras are on. All his men are down. He's abused basically.

Yoongi ran over to the man. He pointed a gun to him. He made him drop to his knees. He shot him.

Yoongi: piece of shit.

Yoongi had his men get rid of the body. He then went home. His mother was there for some reason.

Mrs. Min: sweetie... That work you do is dangerous and it won't find you a wife. I want some grand babies.

Yoongi: not into chicks mom.

Mrs. Min: then a husband.

Yoongi: I don't need a lover mom. I'm fine on my own.

Mrs. Min: I really want a grand baby Yoonie...

Yoongi: ask one of my siblings.

Mrs. Kim: your elder sister is infertile and your little brother is only sixteen.

Yoongi: welp. Can't help you.

Mrs. Min: huu... I guess I'll die unhappy and sad my son couldn't give me a precious grandbaby.

Yoongi: mom, stop being dramatic, and chill out.

Mrs. Min: okay... I'll chill out... Once I get some grand kids.

Yoongi groaned. He walked away from her. She was heavily annoyed and pissed. He suddenly had another mission. He had to leave. A man was caught stealing from children in need at a fundraiser. What a dick. He's also in trouble for sexual assault. Yoongi doesn't let a creep to unharmed. He goes to kill that guy. He finds him and he slices his throat open. His blood gets everywhere. His men clean up well. A witness saw but he said not a single word. Why would he? He could've been caught or dead on not believed. He kept his mouth shut and walked away.

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