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Since Tae told Jungkook to basically fuck off. They haven't really communicated properly. Jungkook was a ghost to Tae.

Jungkook: I love you Tae... Please forgive me mamas...

Tae: no. You're a dick. You first of all kidnap my bestie aka my soul mate then you play it off as cool. I hope you get his hy a fucking train.

Jungkook: you'll regret saying that...

Tae: ooh no! I'm soo scared of you! Kiss my ass bitch.

Jungkook: gladly~

Jungkook picked Tae up and they ended up having sex. Tae kissed that. He couldn't lie. After that. Tae stopped giving Jungkook the silent treatment.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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