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Neveah's heart pounded as she stood in front of Southside High. The school looked exactly like she imagined—rough around the edges, with graffiti covering the walls and groups of students hanging outside, smoking or chatting in hushed voices. Everything about this place screamed "outsider," and Neveah knew she'd have to be careful to avoid drawing any attention to herself.

She tugged on her jacket, which she'd picked out specifically to blend in with the grunge vibe of Southside. Her outfit, a little edgier than usual, was her attempt to hide the fact that she wasn't from here, even though her anxiety threatened to give her away. Taking a deep breath, Neveah climbed the steps to the entrance, immediately hit by the overwhelming scent of smoke and a heavy tension that seemed to linger in the air.

Inside, the hallway buzzed with chatter, and as she walked through the crowded space, she could feel eyes on her. Neveah kept her head down, not wanting to meet anyone's gaze. She wasn't about to ask for directions to the office—drawing more attention wasn't an option—so she wandered until she finally found it. The office staff didn't even bother with pleasantries; they handed her schedule with barely a glance. She was fine with that—less interaction meant fewer chances to mess up.

With her schedule in hand, she hurried through the halls to her first class, English. She slipped inside just as the bell rang, relieved the teacher didn't bother to acknowledge her. Neveah found an empty seat in the middle of the room, quickly setting her bag down and sinking into her chair. The class began, but the teacher seemed as uninterested as the students, more focused on his coffee than the lesson. Perfect.

She let her eyes wander, taking in the dynamic between her classmates. Everything about Southside felt raw and intense, like everyone was walking a fine line between calm and chaos. It was way different from Riverdale High. Neveah kept her distance, watching quietly from her seat.

Next to her sat a girl with bright pink hair, who glanced Neveah's way for just a second before giving her a faint smile. Neveah nodded back, feeling slightly reassured by the silent gesture. Maybe not everyone here was as tough as they looked.

The rest of the class passed uneventfully, and Neveah's anxiety eased just a little. She'd survived her first class without any drama, and that was a win in her book. When the bell rang, she grabbed her bag and quickly shuffled out, hoping the rest of the day would go just as smoothly.

Chemistry was next, and the crowded hallways felt even more suffocating as she pushed through the students to find her classroom. Once again, she opted for a seat in the back, staying quiet as the lesson began. The teacher was more attentive than the one in English, but Neveah found it hard to focus with everything swirling in her head. She was still trying to process her new reality—Southside was nothing like what she was used to.

By the time lunch rolled around, Neveah felt drained. She entered the cafeteria, her eyes scanning for a quiet corner where she could eat in peace. The cafeteria was just as stark and gritty as the rest of the school, with rows of worn-out tables and benches that had clearly seen better days. She found an empty seat at the far end of the room and settled in with her tray, trying to keep to herself.

That didn't last long.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Neveah looked up and saw the girl with pink hair from earlier, standing there with a tray and a friendly smile.

Neveah nodded, offering a small smile in return. "Go ahead."

The girl sat down and introduced herself, "I'm Toni. You're new, right?"

Neveah nodded, grateful for the company. "Yeah, I just transferred from Riverdale."

Toni raised an eyebrow. "Riverdale? That's... a bit of a jump. But you'll get the hang of Southside. It's not as bad as it seems once you figure it out."

Neveah let out a small laugh, feeling more at ease. "Thanks. I hope so."

Toni took a bite of her burger before asking, "So, why the transfer? Something happen?"

Neveah hesitated, unsure of how much to share. "I live on the Southside, but I was going to school at Riverdale. Guess the district finally decided it was time to switch me over," she explained with a shrug, trying to play it cool.

Toni nodded knowingly. "Yeah, the district can be annoying like that. You'll be fine here though. Just keep your head down and don't get involved in anyone else's drama. And, hey, nice job blending in." She gestured to Neveah's outfit, and Neveah couldn't help but smile.

"I didn't want to stand out too much," Neveah admitted.

"Smart move," Toni said with a grin.

After lunch, the two went their separate ways, but Neveah felt a little more confident heading into the rest of her classes. Toni's friendliness gave her hope that maybe she could fit in here after all.

By the time the final bell rang, Neveah was ready to go home. Her first day at Southside High hadn't been as terrible as she'd feared, and she was relieved that she had made it through without any major disasters. As she stepped outside, the cool air hitting her face, she knew she had a long road ahead of her, but maybe, just maybe, she could survive Southside after all.

As she walked home, Neveah couldn't wait to catch up with Kevin and spill everything about her day. She knew he'd have his own drama to share, and honestly, she needed to vent about everything that had happened, especially meeting Toni.

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