Escape Plan

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Anyways enjoy:

Scar POV

I'm bored, and that's something that doesn't happen to me often. So when Grian suggested the idea of escaping detention, everyone expected me to say no, but I said yes. Frankly, I don't think it should've surprised anyone the way it did, but the way Xisuma looked at me said otherwise.

As we run through the main hall, Xisuma slows down, motioning for me to do so as well.

"What is going on with you?" He asks me. I simply shrug in response. It's none of his business.

"Scar, seriously. Two weeks ago you never would've done anything like this, and now your disrespectful to teachers, and trying to escape detention?" He continues.

"I don't know, maybe I just like change. Maybe you should try it some time." I say. I didn't mean to sound rude but whatever. He deserves it.

"What happened to you, Scar?" He mumbles, walking away. I couldn't care less.

"Alright, here's the plan. I'll cause a distraction near Mr. Rivera's office, and join you guys back in the gym. Joel, you check to see if any doors are unlocked. If none are, Lizzie knows how to pick locks. We leave out the gym." Grian pauses, "Scar, you're the best behaved person in this group— in class at least— so you'll be our scapegoat. If Mr. Rivera finds us, you're the one with the excuse. You better come up with a good one."

"Okay" I mumble. I already know what I'd say, that the clock in the classroom was ahead by some time and we thought our detention was over. Not that it's a good excuse, especially if he finds us picking a lock, but it's an excuse nonetheless. I used it many times in elementary school.

However, I didn't need to use that excuse. Joel got us out just fine. We decided to go to Denny's on his and  Lizzie's allowance for the month, because we were bored and knew we couldn't go home yet.

As we arrived, my mind drifted back to the conversation we had before we decided to escape. Me and Grian being Troy and Abed? Even more serious, us being Andrew and Allison? Those two actually end up dating at the end of the movie instead of just pining for each other. I sure hope X wasn't hinting anything there. And thank the void that Grian didn't know what 'The Breakfast Club' was. 

The waiter brings us to a table, Joel and Lizzie sit on one side, with Xisuma, me and Grian on the other. In that order. What the everloving fuck— sorry— what the heck Xisuma. I know you did that on purpose you little rat. 

Why am I so angry at everything today?

Must be the detention.

"So, how did you all get detention? Besides you, G. We already know." Joel asks. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Grian responds, putting his head down on the table. He's been doing that a lot today, I wonder if he's not getting enough sleep.

"Xisuma?" I ask "How did you get detention?"

"Oh, I just used all three of my free absences. Don't understand why it had to be a Saturday detention though." 

"That's valid to be honest," Joel says, "I, for one, got caught vaping in the bathroom. It wasn't even worth it, it was lowkey disgusting. Lizzie was in there with me, so that's why she's here. How about you, Scar?" 

"I.. um.. would rather not talk about it, okay?" Oh my void. 

I can feel myself almost about to have a panic attack at that question. Xisuma is the only person here who knows about me. If I say the truth, that means Joel, Lizzie and Grian will all know too, meaning they would spread it around the school, and then I'm done for.

"I'm sure it's not that bad, Scar. What could you do thats so bad?" Joel pries.

I guess he's not wrong. It's not exactly bad, but it's just not something I'm ready to share. Especially to my crush and his friends. 

"Yeah, c'mon Scar, just tell us!" Lizzie says. 

"I can't. I'm sorry." I say.

"Please?" Lizzie begs.

Joel speaks again,"We won't tell any-" only to be interrupted by Grian, "Guys, just— leave him alone, okay? He's obviously uncomfortable" 

I look down at him, confused. He sits up straight again. Joel and Lizzie groan, and start reading the menu. "What did you do that for?" I asked Grian. "Just repaying the favor. Remember that time you stood up against the teacher for me?"

"Oh, yeah.. that. Well, thanks." I mumble. Grian only nods, as he also picks up a menu. We order our food, and not-so-patiently wait in an awkward silence until it arrives. I ordered pancakes, Grian ordered waffles, Joel ordered an omelette, Lizzie got a blueberry muffin and Xisuma got French toast. 

"Hey, uh, anyone want like- chocolate cake or something? I'm thinking of ordering some but I don't want to get it if no one else will eat it." Joel breaks the silence. 

"I'm allergic to chocolate so I'm out" Grian says. 

Lizzie adds on, "I think I'm good, but thanks"

I say no, I'm full. 

Xisuma says he's good too.

"Well, I'm ordering it anyways. One of you better try some." 

The cake comes and Joel ends up eating the whole thing, but none of us said anything. Grian just laughed at his friend's hypocrisy.

"Guy's it's finally been an hour, we can go home now!" Lizzie announces. 

"Hey, do you all want to go hang out at my house? We could watch that movie you all were talking about! Or a different one, I don't really care." Grian asks. Everyone says yes, so— naturally— I do too. 

Grian calls an Uber, which Joel pays for, and we all go to his house. Xisuma leaves ten minutes later because his parents told him he had to be home before supper, but Joel, Lizzie and I stay. 

Now here's where my issue arises; 

I'm left without any of my actual friends, in my crush's house, And I know damn well that I've been binding for longer than eight hours already. 

Why did I agree to this?

It's going to be a long night.

"So, what do you guys want to watch?" Grian asks. 

Joel suggests a few movies, Lizzie suggests a few movies. Luckily, neither of them really want to watch The Breakfast Club, so that's good. 

They end up watching Ant Man and the Wasp. I barely pay attention. I sit on the couch, away from everyone else who is on the other couch— the one with the recliners. I contemplate getting up to go loosen my binder for a minute so I could stretch and breath, but I don't want to draw attention to myself. 

I breathe deeply, and subtly try to stretch. It's already slightly causing an ache in my neck, though. I've never binded for longer than seven hours, because I've only ever done it for school, but its been around nine now, and I know this isn't good for me but I can't just walk away, someone will think weirdly of me.

 I look over at Grian, he looks slightly uncomfortable too. It could be because Joel keeps making unnecessary comments about the movie every two seconds, which I've personally drowned out in my head. His feathers are ruffled, he's definitely annoyed if nothing else. 

"I'll be right back" he says, walking out of the living room and to where I assume his bedroom is. 

The movie is almost over and I start to wonder where Grian went. Is he okay? Did something happen? 

I get up to go to the bathroom, not saying a word to Joel or Lizzie. 

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