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nothing eventful took place at school after lunch . although you ate the food jungwon gave you , you still were ravenous .

[ 6:30 PM ]

the sun just began to set as you walked into a local convenience store .

you browse the aisles and numerous foods .

'hmm ... i deserve a reward for getting through today .'

you grab all of your favorites and some ramen . you excitedly add hot water and sit at a counter while you impatiently wait .

as you scroll on your phone , you notice a figure outside the window . you saw their eyes .

the doors opened and jungwon entered the store . he had earbuds in and didn't notice you .

you sigh , kind of upset . you brush it off and begin to eat your ramen .

as you slurp your noodles , eating as fast as you can , you see someone sit next to you .

jungwon looked at you , you looked at him . but the only difference was that you were mid shoving noodles in your mouth .

"oh ! it's you !"

you swallow your noodles quickly .

"ah hi .. we keep running into each other haha"

"i know ! oh ! i got those noodles too ! these are my favorite !"

"me too !"

"are you alone ?"

"yeah , are you?"

"yeah... mind if i eat with you?"

"not at all!"

jungwon scoots his seat closer to you and you two begin eating .

there was something about the way he looked , maybe you were just hungry , but he looked even better than before .

you finished your noodles and begin snacking on other snacks you bought .

[ 7PM ]

you and jungwon got to know each other while eating lots . it was really nice . the store wasn't busy and the sunset was beautiful .

"i think we should go now."

"yeah i agree, it was really nice talking to you!"

"yeah! i.."


"never mind."

you two step outside , realizing the pouring rain .

"y/n do you have an umbrella ?"

"no haha..."

you laugh nervously as you watch the rain pour .

"i have one , we can share . it's kind of small though .."

"it's okay jungwon , go home , i can wait here ."

"mm .. no. i'm not gonna leave you here , it's pouring and it's getting late ."

you blush a bit , that was sweet .

he pulls out his umbrella and motions you to follow him .

as you two walk , you notice he tilted the umbrella towards you , his shoulder was getting drenched .

"jungwon your shoulder .."

"it's okay don't worry about it."

you two talked the whole way home .

[ 7:30 PM ]

"alright jungwon this is my stop."

"ah okay! it was really nice talking to you."

"yeah! hey um... can i get your number ?"

you begin to sweat a bit , where did you get the balls to ask this ??

"of course ! it's..."

"okay ! i'll text you. thank you for walking me ! see you tomorrow jungwon ."

"see you tomorrow y/n ."

he smiles , and you stare into his eyes one last time before going inside . even though the sky is gloomy , it's dark , his eyes still glittered and shined .

sweet eyes | jungwon ffWhere stories live. Discover now