(non)average day

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[ 6AM ]

my beautiful sleep was interrupt my screaming alarm. 'are you serious.'

i sigh as i turn it off, staring at the ceiling. suddenly, i remember the events of yesterday. i smile to myself.

as i am scrolling on my phone in bed, i receive a call from yunjin.

"hello yunjin?"

"y/nn... i feel really sick today."

"yunjin we've had less than a week of school."

"i know but i don't feel good. i don't think i'm going today."

"yunjin who will i hang out with?!"

"hmm. that's for you to figure out. good luck. maybe jungwo—"

the call cut off.

[ 7:45 AM ]

i arrive at school, all alone. my partner in crime was not by my side today. as i walk in, i am texting yunjin, complaining about the situation.

as i walk through the halls, eyes glued to my phone, i bump into someone.

"oh! sorry."

"watch where you're going."

i look up at them.

(a/n : i am simply using wonyoung as a character , just like how i am using yunjin as a character ! i am in no way trying to be hateful towards any idols , they are just playing a part within the story

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(a/n : i am simply using wonyoung as a character , just like how i am using yunjin as a character ! i am in no way trying to be hateful towards any idols , they are just playing a part within the story . this applies for all other idols in the future .)


"don't let it happen again."

i feel embarrassed as she storms off with her friends. how could i be so foolish to bump into wonyoung and her friends?

wonyoung and her friends, or rather, wonyoung, yuna, and karina. they're all beautiful, but deadly. not literally, but they have connections and always get what they want. it's best to steer clear.

[ 8AM ]

i sat in the classroom waiting. i arrived early so i had time to study and scroll around. i stare at the empty seat beside me. i feel so betrayed.

suddenly, from the corner of my eye, i can see the seat in front of me become occupied. the user turns around to look at me.

"hi y/n! good morning."

"good morning jungwon!"

i smile brightly as you stare into his enchanting eyes. there was the sunlight i needed on this gloomy morning.

"oh? is your friend not here?"


"hmm. mind if i sit with you then? i don't have a desk mate haha."

"i don't mind at all!"

jungwon stands up and grabs his things, bringing them over to me. he sits down and we share a few seconds where we stared at each other.

after a few seconds i broke the silence.

"hmm... jungwon. look outside. it looks like it'll rain."

"you're right. did you bring an umbrella?"

"i forgot again..."

"it's okay you can have mine!"

"no! keep it. i'll go to the teachers lounge and ask for a spare probably."


jungwon didn't seem too fond of that.

as we two stare outside the window, watching students rush into their classes, the teacher walks in.

[ 9:20 AM ]

"first period is over!"

"i thought i'd would never end."

"where's your next class?"

"i have gym, you?"

"same! how come i never saw you?"

"hm.. oh. i kind of got lost, and never found my way."

"oh. i see. well let's go then. i'll lead you there hm?"


i smile as we stand up and walk out together. jungwon doesn't seem like the type to get lost, it's funny to imagine.


i sat alone, listening to music as i stared into the sky laying on a bench.

suddenly, the sky was covered by a bright face.

"hi y/n!"

"oh! hi jungwon."

"are you hungry? i brought some lunch."

"are you sure? you can eat it."

"no it's okay, i have more than enough."

jungwon hands me a sandwich and some juice.

"thank you. i owe you!"

"no don't worry about it. you shouldn't be laying out here, it's going to start pouring soon."

"i have no where to sit elsewhere."

"hmm. follow me, i know a secret spot inside."

"don't you want to hang out with your friends?"

"they're all out playing volleyball, my hands are too tired to play today."

"oh okay. let's go then! thank you again."

jungwon would be lying terribly, his friends weren't playing volleyball, his hands didn't hurt, it wouldn't pour till hours later, he just wanted to be with y/n.

today was an ordinary school day, but it was a day that stood out, one that differed. being with jungwon made y/n's dull day become bright. every minute with him made y/n smile bigger. little did y/n know, jungwon felt the exact same.

sweet eyes | jungwon ffWhere stories live. Discover now